passwords passwords


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Started by nineninefive, May 24, 2022, 11:32:37 PM

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I have a gallery:

Every time I reset my password, it sends me the email etc, changes the password, but no matter what every time I put in new password, it says login failed.

I've tried changing the email addresses, I've tried changing on phpadmin but no luck. Any advice?


I am the server admin for this persons gallery. I can occasionally get the passwords to work for the update.php script but they never seem to work to login to the actual gallery.

The database is just over 300 MB - The main gallery page loads horribly slow,
while most other pages on the gallery load quickly.

My theory is something related to the database is causing the slow loading issue along with the password issue. Hopefully Ron or someone else has ran into this sort of problem before. As I am out of ideas on how to fix.

Currently my only guess to fix it is a more powerful server or splitting the gallery into multiple galleries to avoid the large database size.


We got the passwords working, but the slow loading is an on-going issue. Here is a copy of my debug. I see where it's extremely slow but I don't know what we can do to fix it. No other galleries on our server are having this issue.

ORDER BY NULL [index.php:362] (73013.31 ms)
LIMIT 0 ,7 [include/] (34741.23 ms)


    [ID] => c40414937cd212dc10ab6f3a11b08d33
    [am] => 1
    [lang] => english
    [liv_a] => Array
  • => 17863
                [1] => 8082


        [user_id] => 3
        [user_name] => ido
        [groups] => Array
  • => 1

        [disk_max] => 0
        [disk_min] => 0
        [can_rate_pictures] => 1
        [can_send_ecards] => 1
        [can_post_comments] => 1
        [can_upload_pictures] => 1
        [can_create_albums] => 1
        [has_admin_access] => 1
        [access_level] => 3
        [pub_upl_need_approval] => 0
        [priv_upl_need_approval] => 0
        [group_name] => Administrators
        [can_create_public_albums] => 0
        [group_quota] => 0
        [can_see_all_albums] => 1
        [group_id] => 1
        [allowed_albums] => Array


  • => SELECT name, value FROM kyt_config [include/] (0.55 ms)
        [1] => SELECT * FROM kyt_plugins ORDER BY priority [include/] (0.2 ms)
        [2] => SELECT user_id, time FROM `u7297900_newgal`.kyt_sessions WHERE session_id = 'f27a1a0f0ec2ef3b486d2d5b8cb4fd5d' [bridge/] (1.75 ms)
        [3] => SELECT user_id, user_password FROM `u7297900_newgal`.kyt_users WHERE user_id=3 [bridge/] (0.52 ms)
        [4] => SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username, user_password AS password, u.user_group AS group_id FROM `u7297900_newgal`.kyt_users AS u LEFT JOIN `u7297900_newgal`.kyt_usergroups AS g ON u.user_group=g.group_id WHERE u.user_id='3' [bridge/] (0.21 ms)
        [5] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `u7297900_newgal`.kyt_users AS u WHERE user_id='3' AND user_group_list <> '' [bridge/] (0.15 ms)
        [6] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) AS disk_max, MIN(group_quota) AS disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) AS can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) AS can_send_ecards, MAX(can_post_comments) AS can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) AS can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) AS can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) AS has_admin_access, MAX(access_level) AS access_level, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) AS pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) AS    priv_upl_need_approval FROM kyt_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) [bridge/] (0.33 ms)
        [7] => SELECT group_name FROM kyt_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 [bridge/] (0.15 ms)
        [8] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM kyt_categorymap WHERE group_id in (1) [bridge/] (0.2 ms)
        [9] => SELECT lang_id FROM kyt_languages WHERE enabled='YES' [include/] (0.26 ms)
        [10] => SELECT user_favpics FROM kyt_favpics WHERE user_id = 3 [include/] (0.32 ms)
        [11] => DELETE FROM kyt_banned WHERE expiry < '2022-05-25 20:27:39' [include/] (0.2 ms)
        [12] => SELECT null FROM kyt_banned WHERE (user_id=3 OR '' LIKE ip_addr ) AND brute_force=0 LIMIT 1 [include/] (0.18 ms)
        [13] => DELETE FROM kyt_temp_messages WHERE time < 1653506859 [include/] (0.96 ms)
        [14] => SELECT cid, lft, rgt, name, description, thumb, depth AS level, '0' AS alb_count, '0' AS subalb_count
            FROM kyt_categories
            WHERE depth BETWEEN 0 + 1 AND 0 + 1
            ORDER BY lft [index.php:299] (6.68 ms)
        [15] => SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.aid)) AS alb_count, COUNT(*) AS pic_count
                    FROM kyt_albums AS r
                    INNER JOIN kyt_pictures AS p ON p.aid = r.aid
                    WHERE r.category > 10000
                    AND approved = 'YES'
                     [index.php:313] (0.5 ms)
        [16] => SELECT aid, title, r.description, keyword, alb_hits, category, visibility, r.thumb, r.owner, depth AS level, lft, '0' AS pic_count
            FROM kyt_categories AS c
            INNER JOIN kyt_albums AS r ON r.category = c.cid
            WHERE c.depth >= 0 + 1
            ORDER BY r.pos ASC, r.aid ASC [index.php:335] (198 ms)
        [17] => SELECT c.cid, r.aid, COUNT(pid) AS pic_count, MAX(pid) AS last_pid, MAX(ctime) AS last_upload, depth AS level, lft
            FROM kyt_categories AS c
            INNER JOIN kyt_albums AS r ON r.category = c.cid
            INNER JOIN kyt_pictures AS p ON p.aid = r.aid
            WHERE c.depth >= 0 + 1
            AND approved = 'YES'
            GROUP BY r.aid
            ORDER BY NULL [index.php:362] (73013.31 ms)
        [18] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163991  [index.php:409] (0.19 ms)
        [19] => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM kyt_filetypes [include/] (0.24 ms)
        [20] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163992  [index.php:409] (0.12 ms)
        [21] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163993  [index.php:409] (0.11 ms)
        [22] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163994  [index.php:409] (0.1 ms)
        [23] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163995  [index.php:409] (0.1 ms)
        [24] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM kyt_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' [include/] (558.57 ms)
        [25] => SELECT lang_id, abbr FROM kyt_languages WHERE available='YES' AND enabled='YES' [include/] (0.35 ms)
        [26] => SELECT COUNT(*)
                    FROM kyt_pictures AS r
                    INNER JOIN kyt_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid
                    WHERE (1)
                    AND approved = 'YES'
                    GROUP BY r.aid [include/] (908.2 ms)
        [27] => SELECT r.aid, a.thumb, a.keyword, a.alb_hits, a.title, MAX(ctime) AS ctime
                    FROM kyt_pictures AS r
                    INNER JOIN kyt_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid
                    WHERE (1)
                    AND approved = 'YES'
                    GROUP BY r.aid
                    ORDER BY ctime DESC
                     LIMIT 0 ,7 [include/] (34741.23 ms)
        [28] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE pid IN (1189707,1189675) [include/] (0.76 ms)
        [29] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17869' ) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (6.4 ms)
        [30] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17865' ) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.37 ms)
        [31] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17870' ) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (13.46 ms)
        [32] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17866' ) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (5 ms)
        [33] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17867' ) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.26 ms)
        [34] => SELECT, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title, r.keywords, r.votes, pic_rating, hits, caption, r.owner_id, pic_raw_ip, pic_hdr_ip
                        FROM kyt_pictures AS r
                        WHERE approved = 'YES'
                        AND IN (1189844,1189842,1189707,1189832,1189758,1189696,1189675) [include/] (2.69 ms)
        [35] => SELECT count(aid) FROM kyt_albums as a WHERE category = '0'  [index.php:663] (0.22 ms)

    GET :

    POST :

    COOKIE :
        [cpg15x_data] => YTo0OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJjNDA0MTQ5MzdjZDIxMmRjMTBhYjZmM2ExMWIwOGQzMyI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjU6Imxpdl9hIjthOjI6e2k6MDtpOjE3ODYzO2k6MTtpOjgwODI7fX0=
        [f7d9a22c729013ede6c529cfd58f8b0e] => 7b1a1b57a52e1ea217b83ed54c92b31d

    PHP version        7.4.29          OK   
    MySQL version      10.3.26-MariaDB OK   
    Coppermine version 1.6.19          stable

    Module: GD
    Exact version                    2.1.0                     
    GD Version                       bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    FreeType Support                 1                         
    FreeType Linkage                 with freetype             
    GIF Read Support                 1                         
    GIF Create Support               1                         
    JPEG Support                     1                         
    PNG Support                      1                         
    WBMP Support                     1                         
    XPM Support                      1                         
    XBM Support                      1                         
    WebP Support                     1                         
    BMP Support                      1                         
    TGA Read Support                 1                         
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support                           

    Key config settings
    charset              utf-8                                         
    allow_private_albums 1                                             
    cookie_name          cpg15x                                       
    cookie_path          /                                             
    impath               /usr/bin/                                     
    lang                 english                                       
    main_page_layout     breadcrumb/lastalb/catlist/alblist/onlinestats
    silly_safe_mode      0                                             
    theme                water_drop                                   
    thumb_method         gd2                                           

    Name           CoreH5A Upload                               
    Enabled        1                                           
    Actions        upload_form, plugin_install, plugin_uninstall
    Filters        upload_options                               
    Name           CoreSWF Upload                               
    Enabled        1                                           
    Actions        upload_form                                 
    Filters        upload_options                               
    Name           CoreSGL Upload                               
    Enabled        1                                           
    Actions        upload_form                                 
    Filters        upload_options                               

    Server restrictions
    file_uploads             1                                         
    include_path             .:/opt/cpanel/ea-php74/root/usr/share/pear
    max_execution_time       30                                       
    max_input_time           60                                       
    upload_max_filesize      500M                                     
    post_max_size            500M                                     
    memory_limit             500M                                                                             

    Page (performance)
    Parameter        Current      Peak       
    Memory usage     638.78 KiB   8.14 MiB   
    Page generation  109523.58 ms 109523.58 ms
    Page query time  109462.85 ms 109462.85 ms
    Page query count 36           36         



Are you using PHP 7 or later?
Is CPG using the mysqli API to access the database?
Is PHP allowed plenty of memory for processes (512M)?
Have you tried optimizing the tables?


PHP 7.4
$CONFIG['dbtype'] =      'mysqli';         // Your database type
PHP memory limit is 500 MB -- I am increasing to 900 MB for now to see if that helps.
Our database uses InnoDB, I used optimize in phpmyadmin after changing the this setting in the link you provided: innodb_optimize_fulltext_only=1

It may have improved slightly, but it's still taking 11 seconds to load the main page while other pages load much quicker. Why is it only the main album list page loading slowly?

    [ID] => c40414937cd212dc10ab6f3a11b08d33
    [am] => 1
    [lang] => english
    [liv_a] => Array
  • => 17863
                [1] => 8082
                [2] => 17875

        [liv] => Array


        [user_id] => 0
        [user_name] => Guest
        [groups] => Array
  • => 3

        [group_quota] => 0
        [can_rate_pictures] => 1
        [can_send_ecards] => 0
        [can_post_comments] => 0
        [can_upload_pictures] => 0
        [can_create_albums] => 0
        [pub_upl_need_approval] => 1
        [priv_upl_need_approval] => 1
        [access_level] => 3
        [disk_max] => 0
        [disk_min] => 0
        [has_admin_access] => 0
        [group_name] => Guests
        [can_create_public_albums] => 0
        [can_see_all_albums] => 0
        [group_id] => 3
        [allowed_albums] => Array


  • => SELECT name, value FROM kyt_config [include/] (0.49 ms)
        [1] => SELECT * FROM kyt_plugins ORDER BY priority [include/] (0.28 ms)
        [2] => SELECT user_id, time FROM `u7297900_newgal`.kyt_sessions WHERE session_id = '6b681e14982006dcc044aedf33a5270b' [bridge/] (0.19 ms)
        [3] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) AS disk_max, MIN(group_quota) AS disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) AS can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) AS can_send_ecards, MAX(can_post_comments) AS can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) AS can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) AS can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) AS has_admin_access, MAX(access_level) AS access_level, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) AS pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) AS    priv_upl_need_approval FROM kyt_usergroups WHERE group_id in (3) [bridge/] (0.24 ms)
        [4] => SELECT group_name FROM kyt_usergroups WHERE group_id= 3 [bridge/] (0.15 ms)
        [5] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM kyt_categorymap WHERE group_id in (3) [bridge/] (0.16 ms)
        [6] => SELECT aid FROM kyt_albums WHERE moderator_group IN (3) [include/] (0.23 ms)
        [7] => SELECT lang_id FROM kyt_languages WHERE enabled='YES' [include/] (0.31 ms)
        [8] => DELETE FROM kyt_banned WHERE expiry < '2022-05-26 02:26:28' [include/] (0.28 ms)
        [9] => SELECT null FROM kyt_banned WHERE ('' LIKE ip_addr ) AND brute_force=0 LIMIT 1 [include/] (0.19 ms)
        [10] => SELECT aid FROM kyt_albums WHERE (1  AND visibility != 0 AND visibility != 10000 AND visibility NOT IN (3)) [include/] (0.3 ms)
        [11] => SELECT cid, lft, rgt, name, description, thumb, depth AS level, '0' AS alb_count, '0' AS subalb_count
            FROM kyt_categories
            WHERE depth BETWEEN 0 + 1 AND 0 + 1
            ORDER BY lft [index.php:299] (0.49 ms)
        [12] => SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.aid)) AS alb_count, COUNT(*) AS pic_count
                    FROM kyt_albums AS r
                    INNER JOIN kyt_pictures AS p ON p.aid = r.aid
                    WHERE r.category > 10000
                    AND approved = 'YES'
                    AND r.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079) [index.php:313] (5.16 ms)
        [13] => SELECT aid, title, r.description, keyword, alb_hits, category, visibility, r.thumb, r.owner, depth AS level, lft, '0' AS pic_count
            FROM kyt_categories AS c
            INNER JOIN kyt_albums AS r ON r.category = c.cid
            WHERE c.depth >= 0 + 1
            AND r.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)
            ORDER BY r.pos ASC, r.aid ASC [index.php:335] (238.7 ms)
        [14] => SELECT c.cid, r.aid, COUNT(pid) AS pic_count, MAX(pid) AS last_pid, MAX(ctime) AS last_upload, depth AS level, lft
            FROM kyt_categories AS c
            INNER JOIN kyt_albums AS r ON r.category = c.cid
            INNER JOIN kyt_pictures AS p ON p.aid = r.aid
            WHERE c.depth >= 0 + 1
            AND approved = 'YES'
            AND r.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)
            GROUP BY r.aid
            ORDER BY NULL [index.php:362] (5562.04 ms)
        [15] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163991 AND p.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)  [index.php:409] (0.32 ms)
        [16] => SELECT extension, mime, content, player FROM kyt_filetypes [include/] (0.42 ms)
        [17] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163992 AND p.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)  [index.php:409] (0.16 ms)
        [18] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163993 AND p.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)  [index.php:409] (0.13 ms)
        [19] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163994 AND p.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)  [index.php:409] (0.18 ms)
        [20] => SELECT filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight FROM kyt_pictures AS p WHERE pid = 1163995 AND p.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)  [index.php:409] (0.18 ms)
        [21] => SELECT COUNT(*)
                    FROM kyt_pictures AS r
                    INNER JOIN kyt_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid
                    WHERE (1) AND r.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)
                    AND approved = 'YES'
                    GROUP BY r.aid [include/] (685.25 ms)
        [22] => SELECT r.aid, a.thumb, a.keyword, a.alb_hits, a.title, MAX(ctime) AS ctime
                    FROM kyt_pictures AS r
                    INNER JOIN kyt_albums AS a ON a.aid = r.aid
                    WHERE (1) AND r.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)
                    AND approved = 'YES'
                    GROUP BY r.aid
                    ORDER BY ctime DESC
                     LIMIT 0 ,7 [include/] (4853.81 ms)
        [23] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17879'  AND aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.95 ms)
        [24] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17875'  AND aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.7 ms)
        [25] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17878'  AND aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.3 ms)
        [26] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17877'  AND aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.33 ms)
        [27] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17876'  AND aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.44 ms)
        [28] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17874'  AND aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.55 ms)
        [29] => SELECT pid FROM kyt_pictures WHERE ((aid = '17873'  AND aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)) ) AND approved='YES' ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1 [include/] (0.38 ms)
        [30] => SELECT, r.aid, filepath, filename, url_prefix, pwidth, pheight, filesize, ctime, r.title, r.keywords, r.votes, pic_rating, hits, caption, r.owner_id
                        FROM kyt_pictures AS r
                        WHERE approved = 'YES'
                        AND IN (1190261,1190205,1190181,1190157,1190139,1190129,1189959) [include/] (0.3 ms)
        [31] => SELECT count(aid) FROM kyt_albums as a WHERE category = '0'  AND a.aid NOT IN (7346, 5077, 5078, 5079)  [index.php:663] (0.93 ms)

    GET :

    POST :

    COOKIE :
        [cpg15x_data] => YTo1OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJjNDA0MTQ5MzdjZDIxMmRjMTBhYjZmM2ExMWIwOGQzMyI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjU6Imxpdl9hIjthOjM6e2k6MDtpOjE3ODYzO2k6MTtpOjgwODI7aToyO2k6MTc4NzU7fXM6MzoibGl2IjthOjA6e319
        [f7d9a22c729013ede6c529cfd58f8b0e] => 542837ab4dbc0cafef74833792228db5
        [PHPSESSID] => f00fc4fe31a8f4eb93e8e05245512f6f




You haven't provided any history about the situation. Was it functioning more smoothly with so many categories and albums at one point and then suddenly got very slow? Are the other galleries that you mentioned as large as this one, yet have decent performance?

You can remove 'lastalb' from what is displayed on the home page.
Or if it is mainly a public facing gallery with no login, you can use my theme caching plugin. (which I see you have used before)


It's been getting worst over the last year or two.  It didn't suddenly occur. The next largest account on our server has 550k photos and it doesn't have loading issues like this site. This gallery is over 1 million.

I've turned off everything on the front page except breadcrumb and album list and it still has the issues. Is it possible to turn off the photo count #'s and only display links to albums? It's got to be something causing the long SQL delays that is mostly related to the front page. That is the only thing the front page has that the subpages don't.

I highly doubt my client can afford a dedicated server, so what can we do to modify coppermine's main page? I've tried the cache plugin and it doesn't seem to help.


I have a hard time believing the theme cache plugin didn't help a great deal. Could you please install/enable it again so that I can see the results. Please tell me which theme(s) it is enabled for ... remember there must be a 'cache' folder in the theme directory. For only non-logged in use, after the home page is visited once, the next visit should be fast (within the cache expiration time).


I installed the 1.0 version of theme cache and it doesn't seem to be generating any files in the cache folder so I assume it is not working. I tested it on the default theme and the custom theme. The cache folder is chmod 755, I also tried it at 777 with no luck. Plugin enabled and set to 24 hours.


A file finally showed up in the cache folder, but I can't seem to get a cached page served to me as I am searching the source code for your CACHED hidden comment and cannot locate. I have logged out.


This is what is inside the temp file that did generate, it doesn't seem complete.

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I don't think there is any more help that I can provide without getting access to your server.