need keywords with embedded spaces need keywords with embedded spaces


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need keywords with embedded spaces

Started by wprowe, September 25, 2006, 10:41:00 PM

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CPG does not properly handle keywords with embedded spaces. Suppose I have a keyword "Sugar Maple" to identify a kind of tree. CPG turns that into "Sugar" and "Maple" - two keywords instead of one. The problem manifests itself in the keyword search feature in the detailed image info form. Instead of "Suger Maple" showing up as a single search link, "sugar" and "maple" are displayed as separate search links - each link searching only for the individual word "sugar" or "maple" respectively.

Other examples where spaces will be embedded in keywords are band names (Van Halen, Def Leppard, Goo Goo Dolls, The Who, Grateful Dead), names and titles (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Prime Minister, Vice President), landmarks (Grand Canyon, Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, Machu Picchu), country/ state names and continents (South Korea, North Dakota, South America, East Timor), etc. As you can see, this is a serious problem for stock photographers like me. We need a reliable search engine where our clients can search our image gallery and accurately find things.

The keywords are properly stored in the original image files and correctly extracted into the initial iptc array in includes/ Later calls to implode in include/ and upload.php before storing in the pictures table use a space as the glue string to flatten out the keywords array into a varchar string. This is where the problem gets introduced. From there on, it is impossible to determine which spaces were originally embedded in keywords and which were used as glue strings. I suggest using a semi-colon as the glue string. Many programs use it as a delimiter when entering multiple keywords. I'm sure code will have to be changed in numerous places to correct this problem and support using the semi-colon delimiter (and creating proper search links in the detailed image info form).

I figured out a pattern for preg_replace() in displayimage.php to properly parse using a semi-colon delimiter for keywords. The pattern should be /([^;]+)/, which matches one or more of anything but a semi-colon. This allows commas to be embedded in keywords just in case someone wanted to use it - for example "Washington, DC", "Dr. Neil Clark Warren, Ph.D" or "Dale Earnhardt, Jr" are valid keywords with commas in them.
Walter Rowe
Music, Travel, Outdoor, Nature and Wildlife Photography


Thanks for the start!

To finish it up for the whole system you need to change the following. 

In displayimage.php

        $info[$lang_picinfo['Keywords']] = '<span class="alblink">' . preg_replace("/(\S+)/", "<a href=\"thumbnails.php?album=search&amp;search=\\1\">\\1</a>" , $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords']) . '</span>';
        $info[$lang_picinfo['Keywords']] = '<span class="alblink">' . preg_replace("/([^;]+)/", "<a href=\"thumbnails.php?album=search&amp;search=\\1\">\\1</a>" , $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['keywords']) . '</span>';

        if (!empty($iptc['Keywords'])) $info[$lang_picinfo['iptcKeywords']] = implode(' ',$iptc['Keywords']);

        if (!empty($iptc['Keywords'])) $info[$lang_picinfo['iptcKeywords']] = implode(';',$iptc['Keywords']);

In keywordmgr.php

       $query = "SELECT `pid`,`keywords` FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE CONCAT(' ',`keywords`,' ') LIKE '% {$keywordEdit} %'";

       $query = "SELECT `pid`,`keywords` FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_PICTURES']} WHERE CONCAT(' ',`keywords`,' ') LIKE '%" . $keywordEdit . "%'";

   while (list($keywords) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
       $array = explode(' ',$keywords);

   while (list($keywords) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
       $array = explode(' ',$keywords);

In keyword_select.php


               window.opener.document.getElementById(\'keywords\').value += \' \' + str;

            if (window.opener.document.getElementById(\'keywords\').value.length != 0) {
              // DMR if it's not blank add the ; and the value
                window.opener.document.getElementById(\'keywords\').value += \';\' + str;
            } else {
              // Just add the value
                window.opener.document.getElementById(\'keywords\').value = str;

in keyword_create_dict.php

    $keyArr   = explode(" ",$keywords);

    $keyArr   = explode(";",$keywords);

in upload.php

    array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords', 0, 255, 1,(isset($iptc['Keywords'])) ? implode(' ',$iptc['Keywords']): ''),
    array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords', 0, 255, 1,(isset($iptc['Keywords'])) ? implode(';',$iptc['Keywords']): ''),


      $array = explode(" ",$keywords);

      $array = explode(";",$keywords);


               $keywords = (isset($iptc['Keywords'])) ? implode(' ',$iptc['Keywords']) : $keywords;

               $keywords = (isset($iptc['Keywords'])) ? implode(';',$iptc['Keywords']) : $keywords;

Then finally update the language file you are using so the users know what to do now.

  'keywords' => 'Keywords (separate with spaces)<br /><a href="#" onClick="return MM_openBrWindow(\'keyword_select.php\',\'selectKey\',\'width=250, height=400, scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=yes,resizable=yes\')">Insert from list</a>', //cpg1.4 //DMR Changed to semicolon

  'keywords' => 'Keywords (separate with semi-colons)<br /><a href="#" onClick="return MM_openBrWindow(\'keyword_select.php\',\'selectKey\',\'width=250, height=400, scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=yes,resizable=yes\')">Insert from list</a>', //cpg1.4 //Changed to semicolon

I think that covers everything :)

Hope this helps someone. 

Since it's fairly straight forward (just spread out) I though about adding a global to define the keyword seperator but since I don't plan on changing it again I didn't.  But it might be nice it it was added then set in the install script.

I noticed a missing change to a SQL statement in keywordmgr.php and have added it above.


Sorry for this old thread, but this changes does not work!

ex. the keywords:

tuning;car-wash;lowrider show;crash

the keywords "tuning" and "crash" are ok and working
the keyword "car-wash" doesn´t work cause the "-" (btw. with or without this mod above)
the keyword "lowrider show" works as separat keywords "lowrider" and "show" cause the space

what can i do?  ???

Joachim Müller