I am new to coppermine and I am LOST. My install went ok, but I am having all kinds of problems figuring it all out ( features)
Like for example it says that only jpg images can be uploaded... but they can't... and on the admin panel it say anything can be uploaded *shrugs*
also I do not understand how members can create thier own folders and upload them....
can you please help?
Lord Simion
sorry for the double post
Have you read the instructions that come with Coppermine (in the docs folder)?
What images you can upload depends on what manipulation software you use (GD or ImageMagick). GIF images aren't supported in the current version of Coppermine when using GD. What images you allow to be uploaded is controlled by you, the admin.
Paying someone to tell you what the instructions and these forums tell you is wasting your money, IMHO.
That would not be a problem to read the directions.... but my zip folder did not have and... and there is no docs folder! :-\\
Where did you get your 1.3.2 zip file from? If you didn't get it here, I suggest you download it from here. It will have a docs folder. You can also click the Documentation link at the top of this page.
You should also compare the files in our zip with the one you have and make sure you have the most current version on your website.