Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: frankyknife on October 11, 2004, 04:23:36 AM

Title: Will PayPal for CPG1.3.1 mod: "RATE ALBUM"
Post by: frankyknife on October 11, 2004, 04:23:36 AM
i have coppermine photo gallery 1.3.1 installed on my own server without problems, everything is running fine.
now i need some help in enhancing the gallery with some familiar code. unfortunately i havent found anything matching help/mod here in this forum - and in fact i am more a graphican than a coder so...

[li]sample 1 is showing the standard output from displayimage.php, here mapped into the category/album view.
the upper line "rating (3 votes)" is an line excerpt of the "file information" => function "html_picinfo"
the bottom line "rate this file" is from the function "html_rating_box".[/li]

[li]sample 2 is showing a prefered version of my idea cause of lower space using.
"rate this file" is being reduced due to a "list_box" of the voting options (rubbish, poor, fair, good, excellent, great). we dont need 6 different graphics to choose from. the result graphic on the right side is the same again from the "file information".[/li]

-> i know that in fact not the album itself is being rated but the pic i use for the album list. i will never change the album pic so it should work this way. (please note: in thumbnail view i would like to remove the rating and file information, so it should not appear there, too! ...because to disable double rating of the same pic: once as an album, once as a picture.)
-> i will rename "rate this file" into "rate this album" of course after all has been done! (here i use it as it stands in the original code for better communication)

...if there should be more questions, post it here in the forum please.

[li]solution 3: of course you may code the function "rate an album" correctly as it should be or like you want. you dont need going the way about the "rate a file" function. this would prevent also some troubles or misleading voting of the same pic/file as described above![/li]


if you think you are able to do this for me, we can discuss further steps and the amount of payment (it will be well paid!!!). please contact me personally at:

thank you,
Title: Re: Will PayPal for CPG1.3.1 mod: "RATE ALBUM"
Post by: frankyknife on June 02, 2005, 04:37:34 PM
...still looking for someone who can code this function (solution 3) - like in sample 2.

but i can only pay max. $200.-
if you are interested please contact me.

Title: Re: Will PayPal for CPG1.3.1 mod: "RATE ALBUM"
Post by: frankyknife on June 08, 2005, 02:54:48 AM
DONE!  :)
Title: Re: Will PayPal for CPG1.3.1 mod: "RATE ALBUM"
Post by: Highride on June 25, 2005, 03:47:12 AM
I could also use this.. Anyone?
Title: Re: Will PayPal for CPG1.3.1 mod: "RATE ALBUM"
Post by: Nibbler on June 25, 2005, 02:31:14 PM
Sure, mail me or find me on msn.