I need something based on the following colors: #6E0000 and #A67B15 (or similar). Maybe something is out there already, I don't know.
why don't you just edit one of the existing themes and add the colors you like? Not very complicated, and no php knowledge needed - all plain css. To find out about existing themes, browse the demo, using the theme selection dropdown. If there's no theme there you like, it hasn't been published.
Quote from: GauGau on October 31, 2004, 07:50:25 AM
why don't you just edit one of the existing themes and add the colors you like? Not very complicated, and no php knowledge needed - all plain css. To find out about existing themes, browse the demo, using the theme selection dropdown. If there's no theme there you like, it hasn't been published.
I suppose this wouldn't be too hard...lol...it's not that I'm lazy...just want everything to be perfect, that's all.
@ lance,
please make your signature pic smaller.