I am in search of a Programmer/Developer who can completely set-up Coppermine Photo Gallery for me on my PC so that I can FTP (just new digital pics) monthly to my webhost with my most current digital pics. I am interested in setting up a website that would look similar to
If you are intersted in this project please e-mail me at erichelf@yahoo.com
Thank You,
Please take a look at the demo of Coppermine and understadn what it is - to begin with Coppermine is not set up on your PC - it is setup on your webserver and the look will be vastly different from the link you have provided.
P.S. No I am not offering my services - just some tips for you and the programmer who might want to take up the job
Did you read the sticky thread with the board rules (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=8170.0) that recommends (among other things) to post a budget and not make first contact by email?
There seems to be a misunderstanding in the first place: coppermine is not being set up on a client pc, but only on the webserver. It's easy to install, you should give it a try for yourself first - a documentation is being included (download the package, unzip it and then browse to the "docs" folder, or read the documentation online (http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/manual.php)). The page you're refering to (http://risaandsteven.com/gallery/) is completely standard, using a theme that already ships with the coppermine package, so it should be set up in no time. You should first make sure your webserver has the minimum requirements (http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/faq.php#MinimumRequirements) needed to run coppermine before actually hiring someone to set it up for you.
If you're afraid to do the first steps, there's a tutorial (http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/tutorial/download.php) available as well that will show you how to download, unzip, upload and set permissions as well.