Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: kevinw on January 07, 2005, 03:37:26 AM

Title: WILL PAY:: Modifications
Post by: kevinw on January 07, 2005, 03:37:26 AM
Hello, I'm looking for someone to make the following modification to the Coppermine Gallery. I am Willing to pay so please provide a price and time-frame.

First, comments and ratings should be for the entire album rather than just single
photographs. The rating and comment boxes, which should retain the existing Coppermine appearance
should be moved to the bottom of each Album page, and should maintain the same functionality.
The rating and comment boxes should be removed from the individual photo pages.
Each album should have the following fields, added, which only administrators can add or modify:
• Station name (text field)
• City (text field)
• Network (text field)
• State (drop down) (this field will be blank for foreign stations)
• Country (drop down)
• Owner (text field)
• Slogan(s) (scrolling text box)
• Graphics package(s) (scrolling text box)
• Theme music (scrolling text box)
• Notes (scrolling text box)
These fields will be displayed at the top of each album page, above the thumbnails. The code that generates
the layout for these fields should be easy to customize and format.
Users should be able to search images by the individual above fields, as well as the default Coppermine
configuration. The notes field will be not searchable.
The script should generate additional pages that list links to various Albums as follows:
• Station: This page will list stations alphabetically down the page as well as the city, state and country
in this format: [Station] [City], [State], [Country]. This text should be fairly easy to modify and format.
• Network: This page will sort stations by network. Headers will identify the networks with the
corresponding stations under each one. For example:
[Station] [City], [State], [Country]
[Station] [City], [State], [Country]
[Station] [City], [State], [Country]
[Station] [City], [State], [Country]
Note: Network names must be variable and depend on whatever is entered and should be case
• State: This page will sort stations by state and city. Headers for the various states will be sorted in
alphabetical order. All stations in other countries will appear at the end of the list. For example:
o Pennsylvania
[City], [Station]
[City], [Station]
[City], [Station]
[City], [Station]
[City], [Country] [Station]
[City], [Country] [Station]
• Country: This page will sort stations by country. Headers for each country will be alphabetical with
stations under each in alphabetical order. For example:
o United States
[City], [Station]
[City], [Station]
[City], [Station]
[City], [Station]
• Owner: This page will sort stations by owner. Headers for each owner will be alphabetical with
stations under each in alphabetical order. For example:
o Capital Broadcasting
[City], [Station]
[City], [Station]
New York Times
[City], [Station]
[City], [Station]

Again, please provide a price and a time-frame.

Best Regards,

[edit GauGau]
marked thread as "closed" (2005-03-21), because it has been inactive for more than a month
Title: Re: WILL PAY:: Modifications
Post by: kevinw on January 07, 2005, 06:27:49 AM
Budget is: $100
Really, its not that much work. I could get it done myself if I had the time. Feel free to contact me and discuss the price, time-frame, etc.
Title: Re: WILL PAY:: Modifications
Post by: George_CC on January 13, 2005, 03:49:12 AM
hmmm... Ok, if you haven't time, I have time in this week and can do it in 3-4 days... I can work directly on your site (in that case give me FTP & CPanel login), or provide all of my work on my own host.
Title: Re: WILL PAY:: Modifications
Post by: Joachim Müller on February 04, 2005, 12:25:14 PM
Is this still valid? I'm going through the threads in the "paid help" section to find the issues that have been done or are no longer valid and flag them accordingly.
@thread-starter: please reply; if you don't, I'll flag the thread as "invalid".
