Why this appear when I open a image???????
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/gallerie/public_html/bsbextra/displayimage.php:4) in /home/gallerie/public_html/bsbextra/themes/fiblack3dgreen/theme.php on line 807
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/gallerie/public_html/bsbextra/displayimage.php:4) in /home/gallerie/public_html/bsbextra/include/functions.inc.php on line 51
Well, those fixxxx (any theme that starts with fi and has a color in it) custom themes aren't put together very well. If you switch to a theme that comes with Coppermine, do you still get those errors?
no, just with fiblack3dgreen, how can I change this?
You'll have to fix the theme. Someone else posted recently that had problems with a fi theme, and after I looked at that theme I replied it was too much work to attempt a fix. You can try contacting the guy who made/converted it.
Ok, but, can I fix the theme myself?
Sure, go ahead. There are many open but no close tags, close but no open tags, no <body> tag, tables completely messed up, sloppy html coding, etc. That's just the stuff I found, there are probably more.
I can't point you in any specific direction, but I recommend comparing it to a theme that ships with Coppermine.
changed subject line of this thread to be more descriptive from "I have a problem" to "fiblack3dgreen theme error".