Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: elBandido on February 14, 2005, 10:22:27 PM

Title: Is it possible to combine....
Post by: elBandido on February 14, 2005, 10:22:27 PM
my existing phpbb board with a coppermine gallery but have them in a seamless way

i.e.So when you log in to one you are logged in to both and it appears to be one big forum

Apologies to mods if this is wrong place but I would be looking for paid help if it is possible
Title: Re: Is it possible to combine....
Post by: Casper on February 14, 2005, 11:37:22 PM
Coppermine can integrate with phpbb, using a bridge file, which means they both use the same database and user management (that of the phpbb) and cookies.

That is straight forward.

having them look the same is a little more complicated, depending on your forum look, but achievable.

If you want someone to take this on, you will need to give a link to your existing forum, and give your budget.
Title: Re: Is it possible to combine....
Post by: typhooner on February 25, 2005, 10:08:30 AM
I can do this for you if you are still interested.  Please email me at
If you have already solved this could you please email me anyway and let me know.

Best of Luck,
Title: Re: Is it possible to combine....
Post by: elBandido on March 05, 2005, 06:47:32 PM
Thanks J I may get back to you in a couple of weeks

Mods can you please leave this unsolved I have things to do to forum before I can proceed