I am trying to figure out a way to use my install of Coppermine as more of a portfolio for my images than an actual photo gallery. I won't have any categories, just 2 (maybe 3) albums, which I have already figured out how to display only my albums using the *No Category* selection. However, when I try to upload files, it seems like I have to upload 2 versions, an admin version and a user version. I don't understand this, nor do I want this. Is there anyway to change this? My "users" will basically just be any-ole'-body who visits my website, and will only be able to view and browse around (no adding images, no commenting, nothing but looking). I hope someone can help!
As admin, you should only be using batch add. Please refer to documentation.
Thank you Tranz,
After re-reading the docs, which I admit there was something either missed or misunderstood, I find myself having another question. After uploading to a dir in my albums/ folder, clicking on the Batch Add link and opening the corresponding folder, I see the images I want to add. However, at the top where it says: List of new files,
Put files of "mycreatedfolder/" into [dropdown menu here]. When I open this dropdown menu, I still have 2x's the albums, basically an (admin) album for each album I have created. So where do I put the file? In the [ (admin) My Unique Album ] ... or the [ My Unique Album ] ....??
Sorry for the confusion!
Thanks again,
Put in the non-user specific album. So the latter one. That is if you want people to see it when the go to your gallery.
Sounds to me as if you have created albums in the 'user galleries' and also in the main section.
A link would help us understand your problem.
It appears as tho I may *have* added both of my albums ALSO in the *My gallery* category, but when I select that from the drop-down list in the Album Manager and delete them, they both appear deleted until I go back out to the Album list, then go back in to the album manager, and they're back there! ???
At any rate, the link is -- http://www.cowgirlexpressions.com/portfolio2/index.php .... thanks! :)
After clicking the 'Delete' button you need to click 'Apply Modification' button on Album Manager page. 'Apply Modification' actually deletes the album from database.
OMG! :D ::) So sorry! I pulled a Homer on that last one, eh? "DOH!!!" Yup, got them deleted now. :)