Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.3.x Support => Topic started by: cowgirlexpressions on February 16, 2005, 09:59:05 PM

Title: Confused on User / Admin galleries
Post by: cowgirlexpressions on February 16, 2005, 09:59:05 PM
I am trying to figure out a way to use my install of Coppermine as more of a portfolio for my images than an actual photo gallery.  I won't have any categories, just 2 (maybe 3) albums, which I have already figured out how to display only my albums using the *No Category* selection.  However, when I try to upload files, it seems like I have to upload 2 versions, an admin version and a user version.  I don't understand this, nor do I want this.  Is there anyway to change this?  My "users" will basically just be any-ole'-body who visits my website, and will only be able to view and browse around (no adding images, no commenting, nothing but looking).  I hope someone can help!

Title: Re: Confused on User / Admin galleries
Post by: Tranz on February 16, 2005, 10:07:21 PM
As admin, you should only be using batch add. Please refer to documentation.
Title: Re: Confused on User / Admin galleries
Post by: cowgirlexpressions on February 16, 2005, 10:51:19 PM
Thank you Tranz,

After re-reading the docs, which I admit there was something either missed or misunderstood, I find myself having another question.  After uploading to a dir in my albums/ folder, clicking on the Batch Add link and opening the corresponding folder, I see the images I want to add.  However, at the top where it says:  List of new files,
Put files of "mycreatedfolder/" into [dropdown menu here].  When I open this dropdown menu, I still have 2x's the albums, basically an (admin) album for each album I have created.  So where do I put the file?  In the [ (admin) My Unique Album ] ... or the [ My Unique Album ] ....??

Sorry for the confusion!

Thanks again,
Title: Re: Confused on User / Admin galleries
Post by: Tranz on February 16, 2005, 11:04:23 PM
Put in the non-user specific album. So the latter one. That is if you want people to see it when the go to your gallery.
Title: Re: Confused on User / Admin galleries
Post by: Casper on February 16, 2005, 11:06:47 PM
Sounds to me as if you have created albums in the 'user galleries' and also in the main section.

A link would help us understand your problem.
Title: Re: Confused on User / Admin galleries
Post by: cowgirlexpressions on February 17, 2005, 01:46:45 AM
It appears as tho I may *have* added both of my albums ALSO in the *My gallery* category, but when I select that from the drop-down list in the Album Manager and delete them, they both appear deleted until I go back out to the Album list, then go back in to the album manager, and they're back there!  ???

At any rate, the link is -- .... thanks!  :)

Title: Re: Confused on User / Admin galleries
Post by: Abbas Ali on February 17, 2005, 06:59:28 AM
After clicking the 'Delete' button you need to click 'Apply Modification' button on Album Manager page. 'Apply Modification' actually deletes the album from database.
Title: Re: Confused on User / Admin galleries
Post by: cowgirlexpressions on February 17, 2005, 03:05:57 PM
OMG!   :D ::)  So sorry!  I pulled a Homer on that last one, eh?  "DOH!!!"  Yup, got them deleted now.  :)