I'm using Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.3.2, but with the theme "igames" for an older version (1.1). For obvious reasons, that doesn't work 100%, because it lacks functionality added on 1.3.2 version, like downloading as a zip file the "my favorites" pictures, among other usless features with 1.1 igames theme.
I believed that igames theme was not yet developed for 1.3.2 Coppermine version, but i just visited the demo theme gallery (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=89658&package_id=98541"), and I found the igames working with 1.3.2 version!!!
My question is simple: where can I get the "igames" theme version for 1.3.2 Coppermine PG???
And finally, if i get the 1.3.2 igames theme, can I keep the old spanish language php file without troubles? I've modified a lot of words and phrases, and I would like not doing it again! ;D
The 1.3.2 download should have come with the igames theme included. You can get it from the downloads section.
Usually, the language files from one version will cause problems when used with other versions. What you can do is use a diff viewer, such as winmerge, to see the differences and add them to the new file.
Thanks Casper, it's working now!!! ::)