I am looking for some help to modify cpg to look something like this
I don´t need the forum integration just the funktion of the gallery should be similar.
Anyone intersted? Let me know how much it would cost.
posting a link to what you already have might help...
It's also recommended to read the sticky thread on this sub-board before posting and do as suggested there. This is not an ego-trip the enforce some rules, it's just based on experience: if you're looking for help, you should do what is suggested there, makes it more likely that someone will react and accept the job.
That´s what I have right now, just a simple installation of the script no modifications of the templates.
The job is not so urgend. I don´t know how much I should offer because I´m not sure about the complexity and the volume of the work.
If it is still relevant and nobody else responds to you, I can do it for $20.