Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: caska on March 11, 2005, 12:42:27 AM

Title: Coppermine / CUSP layout + theme integration
Post by: caska on March 11, 2005, 12:42:27 AM
Seeking integration and seamless skinning of CUSP comic script ( and Coppermine Gallery for artist portfolio / gallery / art-business website. I want them to both show up on the index page, laid out nicely, and for both to follow the same theme.

In short: A theme that will work with both scripts and an index page featuring elements of both, EG, the basic CUSP comic + rant on the left, Coppermine latest thumbs + link to gallery on the right. Usual stuff like Google ads somewhere. A top splash image. Whatever. :)

Depending on price, might seek other add-ons -- scheduling, contact, and commission "booking" scripts (installation or custom), integration of extra Coppermine layout to show commission / project progress, possibly further skinning capability (Smarty? -- If not, I might chase you up for these things later!

Functionality is the most important thing.
Pretty, but quick & cross-browser friendly -- I want to avoid a "best viewed on" button!
Easy to work with for me, easy to browse for viewers & clients.
Design a button for yourself; you're getting permanent credit for what you do.
(if you haven't already. :) )

I'd prefer to stay *under* $300.
I'm only a starting freelancer, y'see. ;)

Want it by?
ASAP, really, but it's not urgent!

Questions are much appreciated, since I'm not highly experienced in design or scripting.

You'll set up a preview for me, and I'll pay you with a banker's check.
If Paypal recognises the bank account that it claims is verified (grr) I can pay through there,
Or, possibly, I could upload a GetACoder Escrow dealie so that you can see the money from the get-go.

Thanks for your time & consideration :)
Title: Re: Coppermine / CUSP layout + theme integration
Post by: foulu on March 12, 2005, 05:43:08 AM
i found this job interesting and im do it now and provice demo soon...

i read license.txt and found that this cusp copyright cant be remove and main code can be modify.

do u want cusp themes store in sql or in theme.php

In short: A theme that will work with both scripts and an index page featuring elements of both, EG, the basic CUSP comic + rant on the left, Coppermine latest thumbs + link to gallery on the right. Usual stuff like Google ads somewhere. A top splash image. Whatever.

can u show it in image block ?
Title: Re: Coppermine / CUSP layout + theme integration
Post by: caska on March 13, 2005, 07:58:52 AM
Quote from: foulu on March 12, 2005, 05:43:08 AM
i found this job interesting and im do it now and provice demo soon...

That's really cool, but you haven't given me a price quote yet!

Quotei read license.txt and found that this cusp copyright cant be remove and main code can be modify.

do u want cusp themes store in sql or in theme.php

Do you know which would be easier for the layman to maintain?

Quote from: caskaIn short: A theme that will work with both scripts and an index page featuring elements of both, EG, the basic CUSP comic + rant on the left, Coppermine latest thumbs + link to gallery on the right. Usual stuff like Google ads somewhere. A top splash image. Whatever.

can u show it in image block ?

I would guess so :)
I mainly want it to be clean, sleek, easy to navigate and load into most browsers.
Title: Re: Coppermine / CUSP layout + theme integration
Post by: foulu on March 14, 2005, 06:18:44 AM
I'm done the main job (just run, not perfect) - i recode the sql table to conbine it with cpg.

link :

i will send you pass/username to access via PM

when you login via admin, u can see a button call comic --> u can use it to add/delete/modify/release comic/news, it just basic like orgin but if u like i can add rating, coment comic or a  comic page for normal user can upload thier comic and must wait you approve to display.

will add a contact page soon

scheduling, commission "booking -- dont know this plz explain more

i can use smarty template if you want, but i think using theme.php of cpg is better.

with this job i take 140$

Title: Re: Coppermine / CUSP layout + theme integration
Post by: foulu on March 29, 2005, 01:49:11 PM
no contact back, plz mark as INVAILD