Hey guys/gals,
I have an Access database with user information and would like to use it for my username and password. There are separate fields for last name and first name, as well as a member number associated with each member. I would like to come up with a login system using some combination of their first and last name as the username and the member number as the password. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in the challenge, and how much it would cost me.
I assume that its a fairly simple task after reading about bridging, I'm just don't have the knowhow to do it.
We're a non-profit org, and I will be paying for this out of my pocket as a donation to the club so if it could be done affordably I would very much appreciate it (I'm just a college student :-\\ ).
Jordan Coffey
I think that people may be getting the wrong impression from my original post so I'll clarify:
1) What I meant by "login system" is just a way to use some combination of the member's name for the username (e.g. John Doe's username would be something like doejohn or doe.jo)
2) When I said "done affordably, I meant less then $100; I could swing something like $40 or maybe a little more if thats what it takes.
I don't need anything elaborate, or any fancy customization, I just need a fairly straight forward bridge.
This isn't a bridge you are asking for, it is a script to import users from a file into the coppermine database. If you send me the exported CSV file, or a sample of it, I'll see what I can do.
Just wanted to let anyone who reads this that Nibbler took the job, so its no longer available.
I'm incredibly impressed with how quickly he handled the job, and with how good he was to work with. He quickly did exactly what I wanted done (within a day) and for an extremly resonable price. I would be happy to work with him again!
Nibbler is going to write this up and put it in the Mod section for anyone interested.
Available here (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=16696.msg77815#msg77815).