No Support => Modifications/Add-Ons/Hacks => Mods: Uploading => Topic started by: willdenniss on April 06, 2005, 03:30:52 PM

Title: Gallery Mage - An Open Source Gallery Processing Tool
Post by: willdenniss on April 06, 2005, 03:30:52 PM

If anyone is interested, I have created an open source (GPL) photo gallery processing tool named Gallery Mage.

Using Gallery Mage, one can select, crop, rotate, resize, caption and upload galleries of photographs.  This saves you the hassle of uploading full size images to Coppermine (so it's faster), and you can use Galery Mage's inbuilt gallery upload feature so no need to fire up a FTP client each time.  Hopefully, soon Coppermine will also support the bulk importing of captions (more on that later).

Screen Shot

I have added support for Coppermine, although currently Coppermine does not have the ability to batch-import captions.  If you are interested in this feature, please add your support to this thread (  Personally I think that would be a really nice feature to have, captioning photos on the client computer is very fast.

For more information and downloads, visit the Gallery Mage web site (, and/or browse the online user manual (

I hope people find this tool useful.


Title: Re: Gallery Mage - An Open Source Gallery Processing Tool
Post by: Tarique Sani on April 06, 2005, 04:21:02 PM
Have finally downloaded your software - Looks promising - will play around with it a bit later. I am very much interested in a complete desktop client for Coppermine - where in people can login, upload to selected albums and etc - I know an XML-RPC api will be of great help will get someone started on that - real soon
Title: Re: Gallery Mage - An Open Source Gallery Processing Tool
Post by: fusionx on July 24, 2005, 01:29:26 AM
Quote from: Tarique Sani on April 06, 2005, 04:21:02 PM
Have finally downloaded your software - Looks promising - will play around with it a bit later. I am very much interested in a complete desktop client for Coppermine - where in people can login, upload to selected albums and etc - I know an XML-RPC api will be of great help will get someone started on that - real soon

I would highly recommend you talk with Jan Derk at He would probably jump at the chance to integrate Coppermine support into his Arles Image Gallery Creator product. Arles is my tool of choice for creating static image galleries. It has numerous features that would have to be rebuilt into a coppermine-specific tool. Things like image cropping (with defined crop areas per image without changing the original image), full exif info editing, image and folder drag and drop reordering, file renaming, setting custom properties on images and folders, setting default images in folders, etc. It also has multi-folder processing to any level. Oh - and it has built in FTP for publishing files.. and a lot more :-)

Title: Re: Gallery Mage - An Open Source Gallery Processing Tool
Post by: Joachim Müller on July 24, 2005, 08:58:35 AM
the licenses for Arles and Coppermine differ, I doubt that the Arles creator would want to integrate GNU GPLed code...