Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: MissLeigh on June 03, 2005, 08:49:10 AM

Title: I need help 911. my programmer/webmaster is too busy and quit
Post by: MissLeigh on June 03, 2005, 08:49:10 AM
I need simple re design, basically offering my services for niche mainly footfetish content in bulk, for a bargain, or lots of content of 3 models, and my new feature custom content, i have a few models on call as well as myself and my photography equipment and talents. i have a little capitol, so i'm looking for someone to show me a bussiness plan or proposal, on how i can convert content, and hard work into cash. i will pay you for your design and time, however, i'm seeking someone that has the time and with innovative themes and ideas, i wanna cross a few lines, break a few records, see my name in "lights" e mail me only if you are serious and a hard worker, i also prefer mature applicants, no offense but college kids are good, but at my project, they do not seem to have any loyalty or long shelve lives or 702 238 4321