Snork13 (;u=5408) has updated the SMF theme (originally created by DaMysterious (;u=101)) for cpg1.4.x:
Demo ( - Download (
(original posting:
[Edit GauGau 2009-04-01] Updated download link to point to the most recent theme package [/Edit]
This theme does not work for me. I see unformatted text. Almost like the style sheet does not work.
Thanks, snork. :)
I noticed there are a couple of Album buttons pointing to different pages. Also, is it possible for the User Info not to say "Welcome! Please login or register." if I am already logged in? It's confusing because I thought I was logged in from the forum, so I clicked login and I got an error saying I was already logged in. I don't think I'll be the only confused soul. :)
The login box is static, it doesn't contain any code to actually check for logged in status. I think it should be removed completely.
I think I know the answer to this, but I must ask here goes.
Does this theme take on the other themes that SMF is using, or is it just based off of the Babylon theme? The reason I ask is that I'm using a modified version of the default SMF theme (just made some changes to the .css) and I'm wondering if this will use the default SMF theme, or if it's the Babylon theme only.
If it's Babylon only, is there any chance of the default SMF being incorporated any time soon?
Thanks! Excellent work BTW.