Uploaded 1.4 on a test server and was messing around with it. After uploading a SWF file, it doesn't give me the Admin options to Crop-Rotate/Edit/Delete. I am in Admin mode, so I know I should be able to see it, but it's not there.
Tested it on another SWF upload...same thing.
This is not a bug, but expected behaviour. Both GD and ImageMagick (which coppermine uses to manipulate pics) are not capable to mess with flash files. Marking as "invalid".
I wasn't talking about cropping and editing SWF files in ImageMagic or GD...there is just no menu there that I can see (while there was in version 1.3.x). The crop/edit button...sure...makes no sense to have it, but the delete button sure comes in handy if I ever want to delete an uploaded SWF file (eg. if a user uploads a pornographic SWF file).
So, is there another way to delete the uploaded SWF file now that the admin menu isn't there anymore in this version? ...or once it's uploaded, it's there to stay...
I get the admin menu. Check with the classic theme, post a link etc.
I have a test admin user account set up.
User: test
Pass: tester
I don't care about this URL, it's just for testing, so I don't mind giving out the admin info.
Please check out the flash files...nothing there to delete them, or to edit the width/height attributes, etc.
Another thing to note...when you click a flash file, it doesn't display the film strip either....also, I get an error in the status bar of my browser when I click the "Info" icon...similar to ones you get with javascript.
I was able to see the controls just fine. What language/theme are you using?
I just downloaded the Coppermine 1.4 beta and did a solo installation. By default, it's on the "Classic" theme right now. That is really weird seeing your screen capture, because this is exactly what I was hoping to get.
Now I'm on my computer at work, which is a totally different computer than at home, and I still don't get the "controls" menu or film strip below the flash movie. Checked with my co-worker's computer and two other computers in the office. Same thing.
Also, same thing with the "Info" icon, it also gives me a javascript error in the browser status bar when I click it.
tested the same pic on another PC with W2K SP4. This time, I can confirm your bug report: I was able to see the controls just fine in FF1.0.4, but it isn't there for me in IE6. Changed thread icon from "Invalid" to "*none*". Not sure why this happens, will need further looking into. I will test on more browsers. The funny thing is: if you do a "view source code" in IE, you can see the markup that is suppossed to display the admin controls just fine, the browser just doesn't render it. Hm...
Ok, glad I'm not going crazy. That is weird about the source showing the code. HOpe you figure it out.
I'm going to be taking down my test account now.
I was able to track this down to the use of the <embed>-tag: when removing<embed width="320" height="240" src="albums/userpics/10001/gunshot2.swf" autostart="true" type="type="application/x-shockwave-flash" "></embed>
from the output, the page is being displayed as expected in IE. The use of the double-nested improper type="type="
breaks the page in IE. When fixing this, making above output <embed width="320" height="240" src="albums/userpics/10001/gunshot2.swf" autostart="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
everything works as well, so all that is left is to update your files, as the type="type= issue has been fixed in http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=19581.0
Marking this thread as closed.