Sorry I know this is not a coppermine direct related script request, but it would be needed to work with coppermine and phpbb, therefore thought this might be a good place to start.
I must start off with saying that I don't have a huge budget, and if the amount I am able to pay is not enough to get the job done, maybe I could pay for someone's time to help me get started. I have basic php knowledge, so I am willing to do the work, just cant get my head around where to begin and how to incorporate everything.
Any way so here goes:
Budget £100 +/- (I don't mean to offend anyone, just that's all I can spare for now)
Time Scale - not in any major rush.
Basic outline of requirement:
Need a php script where members can upload their dog's pedigree. When adding a dog should be able to search the database to see if any ancestors already in the database. This next bit is where I am not sure how it would need to work. If one of your dog's ancestors is not in the database, need to be able to add. The problem is then how to associate the dog just added to the real owner, if they then signup to the database, if that makes sense. Maybe I am thinking of doing this the wrong way, maybe there should just be a pedigree database that which the dog in the database is linked to the owner rather then the other way round. In a nut shell that's about it, I am sure I can manage adding anything else required, but for now getting to that point would be a great help.
Why not look for a canned geneology app?
You might also consider using a wiki.
Google is your friend.
Thanks for your reply,
Yeah I looked at a few, but the basic sort of functionality that I need and that was different between animals and humans seemed to be missing. To me it seemed less work to start from scratch then to try and edit someone elses code. I will have a look at the links you listed.
Thanks again.
To create onlilne interactive cattle pedigrees, we use Breedmate and then the free Alfirin add-on. (
A link to one of our online pedgirees, for Lord Rannoch of Lucies, is at You can move back and forth along the generations, see offspring, etc.
It's been some time since I evaluated Breedmate, and we probably should be updating our version. I know there's quite an active Breedmate support group in Yahoo Groups. As I recall, Breedmate is used by quite a few breed societies.
Anyway, hope this information is of some use to you. Good luck with your project.