I need a way to pick up IPTC-data from .jpg-files and put it in a clean text-file. The field I need is: headline, caption and keyword. I need to pick it up from all files in a folder and subfolders and pot them together in one text-file.
It must handle Swedish letters and work on Mac.
Anyone that can help me? What would it cost?
Why Pay when you can get it free ;D
The EXIFTOOL will extract IPTC data and store it in a flat file. If you are familiar with shell scripts, you can write a quick script that will call this command line program and extract all IPTC files from all your images stored in your albums folder and store them into 1 or as many files as you like.
If you really want to pay me, feel free to send me $1 through paypal ;-)
Thanks OmegaGOD, but that is to complicated for me. It would take me to long time, and my time I money. That's why I pay for it. I need an easy and quick way to get it done...