I'm new and I'm installing Coppermine gallery the first time. (Sorry for my bad english)
The matter is as follows... I just wanted to install coppermine, but it won't accept my MySQL-Host!
QuoteCould not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered
MySQL error was : Host 'server7.web-maina.com' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
Please, could anyone help me?
Maybe also in German?
Thx in advance
Is that the correct spelling of the server name ?
You have to type in, for example, mysql.never-is-a-promise.org... right?
if the mysql server is on the same box you may want to try 'localhost'. if you don't know the mysql server name then it's probably the best if you ask your host
Ok, thx for helping me!
Christina xx