Hello fella's,
I've troubles with coppermine 1.3.4...
It was running fine with a couple of albums and stuff until i added a new one last week. I suddenly get evil error's in my apache log files.
I tried to add about 133 files using the batched upload method. This seem to work fine i added them all to an album and the script generated thumb and normal files. Though when i try to watch them i can get the thumb page's and the pictures are showing correct, but when i wanted to view the large version of the pics i get the following error in my apache error_log file
child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
There is no page showing, i get a 404 sometimes. (although i guess IE is not able to guess the right error)
some facts:
- the other albums are still working fine so the php file are still ok
- the files are all jpeg's in all albums (same jpeg lib)
- I'm able to view the pictures when i enter them in my browser. (eg: host.com/coppermine/albums/holiday/foto01.jpeg)
- Coppermine version 1.3.4 (upgraded from 1.3.3) (from gentoo portage)
- Gentoo Linux
- Apache 2.0.54
- PHP 4.4.0
- mySQL 4.0.25
- gd-2.0.32
Any help would be apprisiated...
Thanx in advance....