Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: geejee on September 13, 2005, 06:09:09 PM

Title: customize gallerie theme
Post by: geejee on September 13, 2005, 06:09:09 PM
I am looking for someone who can customize my coppermine gallerie.
The main things I would like is a change of colors,text,hyperlinks and buttons to give it a different look and feel. A topbanner inserted. A shoppingbasket with paypal. Mod. of file info. And a lot of other things.
Can anyone help me out?
Please let me know, so we can talk price and full detailed info of what I am looking for.
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: George_CC on September 14, 2005, 12:53:38 AM
Ok, just describe please your wishes most detailed here or by PM :)
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: geejee on September 15, 2005, 03:38:33 PM
What I am looking for is an online photobank to show, distribute and sell images. Right now I am using the Mac ox x theme and like to mod. this theme.

Text adjustment (all).

Different colors (Background/Background tables/Outlines and mouseovers).

Use of 5 languages, only use the flags to choose from.

An indexpage (home) with infotext and a photo.

A banner (to be provided by me) at the top of the page instead of the one that is showing now.

Adjustments of the top buttons. With mouseover effect. Registrer and login should be always visible. When register no show of terms and conditions.

One blue mac button instead of 3.

Catagories with main item and a description of the subitems of the main item.

Album should only show the numbers of files in the album and not when it was last added.

File info of an image should always be visible by fullsize image and should contain:
Filename: IMG_0001
Availabel size: Web(W) / Medium(M) / High(H) / Super(S)
Price: Web: $xx / Medium $xx etc
Copyright: Copyright 2005..........
Shoppingbasket : add to basket

No "display/hide file info" button.
No "e-card" button

A shopping basket.

These are the main mod. I am looking for.

Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: George_CC on September 15, 2005, 09:42:17 PM
PM sent to clear up some details.
Post by: photoguy1 on September 16, 2005, 06:14:23 AM

I asked him to help me with my Coppermine photo gallery. He added a couple of things which I realizd I could have done myself. Then he said he would design my web site for me. I sent him money (Western Union) and never heard from him again. He refuses to answer my e-mails.

Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: George_CC on September 16, 2005, 02:28:47 PM
Moment, moment, moment... I think, there is some error! ???

I've sent you last (third or fourth, I think) screenshot in beginning July, and didn't heared you from this time. Hope, it was just some email error - I don't beleive that you just don't like my job and it is just the way to receive back money... :(

Including this screenshot to post. If it really was error and it is good for you (I tried to work by your wishes), you can get completed theme in 48 hours, when I'll return to office. If no - please describe why.
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: George_CC on September 16, 2005, 02:31:43 PM
hmm.. sorry... but if you really sent me emails and didn't get answered - why your didn't PMed me here earlier? It looks slightly strange.... ???

And please cite my email, or PM, where I asked you for wire money before job is done. To the best of my memory, you tried to transfer the half of total summ, then I said you to wait when work be finished then transfer all money, isn't it so? Also, who of my customers canremind the case when I asked for any pre-payment?
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: photoguy1 on September 17, 2005, 05:26:34 AM
I sent you at least 6 e-mails with no response. I didn't think of contacting you through here until last night. I'm sorry, but I thought you just walked away. I never got a sample. Your last e-mail said you were going to send it, but it never arrived. I apologize!

Can you e-mail me the sample page? I can't see the entire image in the post you sent. It looks very good! If possible, make the film strip a little longer (to the left) and not as much fireworks. Will I be able to put other photos in those spots? Can I do it myself when it's done or will you have to do it?

Also, the boxes are fine (that have the boxing photos) but there are no page borders or anything. Will this be exactly how it looks or will it have a page theme? The boxing gloves are great. It's exactly what I wanted.

My main question is...when it's done, will I be able to insert photos myself on the pages? As soon as I see the entire image, I will let you know if I would want any changes or anything added.


Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: George_CC on September 17, 2005, 01:25:42 PM
6 emails... Really foolish situation. I need to talk with my sysadmin on Monday >:(
Ok, then everything else writing in PM to not make offtopic in this thread :)
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: Joachim Müller on September 18, 2005, 01:22:17 PM
Guys, both of you might want to check the spam settings of your email clients and the server-sided spam protection, as it is very likely that all emails got eaten by anti-spam mechanisms.

@photoguy1: you have to understand that emails are the electronic equivalent of postcards, not more. There's no guarantee that they will get delivered. Please keep this in mind in the future before publicly calling someone a thief or quitter. George_CC has got an excellent reputation so far and I strongly recommend to think twice before writing so harsh postings as yours. However, I'm glad that things finally got sorted out. If this issue is solved, please reply to this thread with a final statement that explains the situation and a review on George's work. To decrease spam probability of your emails, you may want to send plain text emails instead of html-formatted ones.

Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: Joachim Müller on October 10, 2005, 07:08:56 AM
geejee sent me an email on 2005-10-06:
QuoteI am back.

Well concerning the internetshop I want on my CG, I will deliver purchased
items myself. So the standard Coppermine shopping cart mod. can be used I

The Eye Ball theme is a good theme to get started with for the look and
feel. For use and layout it should be similar like .

All the other details I mailed you before.

So if I understand you can mod. a theme and make it work like I descriped
before for $100.
Hope to hear from you soon, so we (well, mostly you) can get started.


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: []
Verzonden: maandag 3 oktober 2005 2:36
Onderwerp: New Personal Message: Re: (No subject)

You have just been sent a personal message by George_CC on

IMPORTANT: Remember, this is just a notification. Please do not reply to
this email.

The message they sent you was:

Ok, I still waiting when you will return :)

Reply to this Personal Message here:;sa=send;f=inbox;pmsg
Here's me reply, both to geejee as well as anybody else:
Quote1) No support by email
2) I don't do custom mods, you got this wrong

Support for the standalone version is available at Don't contact me or any other developers over email or personal message.

In the future, use better subjects for your emails.

Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: ISBB on October 12, 2005, 05:40:06 AM
George has done work for me in the past and has completed it as requested... I offered him HALF up front for the designs/screenshots for my users to look at and the other half upon completion...  all was well.. so i know george just doesnt walk away from anything.. :D  and he awnsered all my e-mails appropriatley and promptly..  And im also going to go back to him for another site as well.. George does good work and stands behind his work..
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: photoguy1 on November 18, 2005, 12:15:27 AM
Unfortunately, George still has not finished the work for me. I can't believe that we are having all these e-mail problems like he says. I'm a professional photographer and I e-mail all over the world without a problem (except with George). 

This is my situation: I sent George a sample of a header design that I wanted for my web site:

I asked him if he could do something like that and he said close, but not exact. I then sent him a sample of my main competition's web site:

I told him I DIDN'T want to copy his idea of the film strip. I then gave George very specific things that I wanted and didn't want. Then, time goes by and I have to e-mail him to find out how things are going. After months, he sends me a sample and what does it have?...A FILM STRIP!!! It will look like I ripped off my main competition. I told George I wanted smoke like the sample above. Instead, he puts in fireworks!!! The problem is that George let's so much time go bye, he forgets everythingIi asked for. I even told George that I would buy the boxing template above and have him modify it by putting my photos in it. It's funny that I only got a response to my e-mail about him taking my money!!! Why did he all of a sudden get THAT e-mail? He gave me another e-mail address and I've sent him 5 e-mails.

What am I supposed to do?

Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 18, 2005, 01:08:01 AM
did you pay anything yet?
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: photoguy1 on November 18, 2005, 01:51:59 AM
It's been so long, but I think it was $130.00 by Western Union.

Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 18, 2005, 02:03:58 AM
George hasn't visited this forum for more than a month - I hope nothing has happened to him. I'm afraid I can't help you very much. His site is currently down as well - I can't think of an alternative method to contact him.
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: photoguy1 on November 18, 2005, 03:16:56 AM
Thanks for trying to help! Can you recommend anyone to help me with my site? There are basic things I'd like done with Coppermine, but I don't know how to do them. For instance:
How can I get rid of: Random Files & Last Additions? It just clutters up the pages. Also, is it possible to take away some of  the Links on top like: Last Uploads, Last Comments, Top Rated, etc? I know these things are easy to do (George said it was very easy).

Basically, I wanted a nice looking home page with all the links to my Coppermine photo galleries. I wanted to clean up Coppermine to make it cleaner looking (magazines I sell to say it's too confusing finding photos. I need someone that can do all these little things.

I don't think I was wrong in saying what I said. As far as I'm concerend, George took my money and never did the work. You would feel the same if you lost $130.00! If he is ill or has family problems, I will be the first to apologize. But until then, I'm out my money and I don't have a finished web site. It's been going on for many months.


Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: Joachim Müller on November 18, 2005, 08:28:14 AM
coppermine's config: "the content of the main page (". Get rid of the links in navigation by commenting out the sections in themes/yourtheme/theme.php, very first section. Has been asked often, please search. Start new threads if you need to know details (one question per thread policy!). Can't recommend a particular freelancer, you should start your own thread for this purpose.
Title: Re: customize gallerie theme
Post by: netfalls on November 18, 2005, 05:11:09 PM
Hi, check out my site ( maybe I can help you