During the installation he appears to me this
PHP does not have MySQL support enabled. ???????????
Does PHP have mysql support enabled? If you don't know, you have to ask your webhost.
1. Downgrade to PHP 4.3.10 or 4.4.x
2. Fix the php.ini of PHP 5.x
It's not a PHP5 issue, you just need to enable mysql support.
;Note that MySQL and ODBC support is now built in, so no dll is needed for it.
;extension=php_mysql.dll or .so
;extension=php_mysqli.dll or .so
I could be wrong though and someone messed with the compiler on POSIX (linux, unix, etc.) to exclude mysql
@carrjam1981: if this doesn't mean anything to you, do as TranzNDance suggested in the first place: ask your webhost for support - find out if you actually have mySQL (minimum requirement for coppermine). If you don't have it, you can't use coppermine, sorry.
just a quick reminder and FYI, Coppermine uses the traditional php_mysql.dll or so, it does NOT use php_mysqlI. It doesn't hurt if php_mysqli is loaded, but it doesn't help either.