Support => cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 theme contributions => Topic started by: rad_poland on December 06, 2005, 04:24:15 PM

Title: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x
Post by: rad_poland on December 06, 2005, 04:24:15 PM
Does anybody have he Giallo theme which works with cpg 1.4.x ?? I have been trying to make a 1.3.x Giallo version works with 1.4.2 but nothing good has happend :( Does anybody know how to convert it to new release of cpg? or maybe someone already done it and could send it to me or post it here?
Title: Re: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x - Help
Post by: donnoman on December 07, 2005, 06:01:13 AM
Giallo is one of my favorite themes, it was on my todo list.

Here you go.

oft times folks are frightened with the theme.php changes, this theme took me about 2 hours to upgrade, most of that time was spent doing XHTML changes and validation. It has darn near one of the simplest theme.php's you can imagine.

  Coppermine Photo Gallery
  Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Coppermine Dev Team
  v1.1 originally written by Gregory DEMAR

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  Coppermine version: 1.4.3
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
//  Theme "giallo"                                                           //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
//  The theme "giallo" has been done by GauGau ( based on  //
//  the framed template of (their website has gone down, so I   //
//  guess no one will care). The usage of this theme is free for personal    //
//  use, not for commercial use (according to the disclaimer of studiocasa)! //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
//  Updated for 1.4.3 by                            //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //



FYI for anybody curious about the version number, I'm now using SVN to maintain my non-core Coppermine themes, and the version is my SVN revision number.
Title: Re: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x - Help
Post by: rad_poland on December 07, 2005, 10:52:22 PM
Hey, first of all, very, I said, very good job :) For me it would take a month not only 2 hrs :) It's my favourite theme too :)

I've got some more questions: can you tell me how to change the color just in the center of mainpage (I think that is maintable section or sth) from dark gray to white, without loosing dark border inside that table.. I found:

.maintable, .maintableb { background-color: #7F7F7F; }
.img_caption_table th, .img_caption_table td { border-top : 1px solid #7F7F7F; }

but when I change the #7f7f7f to #FFFFFF it makes white (that's good) but dark borders inside just disappears

And the second (much more important) do you have the same problem with changing the theme in Config section? I can only change the theme using an enabled list of themes on main page. When I use he list in Config mode, choose one theme and click "save...." just nothing happens :(
Title: Re: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x - Help
Post by: donnoman on December 08, 2005, 04:49:08 AM
The problem is what you are seeing show through is not the border. It's actually the background showing through because of the cellspacing set on maintable.

you can try overriding function starttable to remove the cellspacing, but I think you'll be opening pandora's box of unwanted side effects.  Try it though, you don't learn anything by doing nothing.
Title: Re: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x - Help
Post by: Joachim Müller on December 08, 2005, 08:59:42 AM
Demo ( - Download (
Title: Re: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x - Help
Post by: loracalyn on February 02, 2006, 05:04:48 PM
This is my first post and I do admit that I am a novice user.

I've used version 1.3.3 and have been able to modify themes. I've just installed 1.4.3 on a new server and have been modifying the Giallo theme. The problem I am having has to do with the theme.php file. When I open it to edit the menus, I only have up to line #35 line. (The code shown in donnoman's 12/7 post)

Is this the entire file? Can you modify this document like in the previous version? I want to remove some of the menu items that are not needed.

Any help would be appreciated

Title: Re: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x - Help
Post by: Nibbler on February 02, 2006, 05:15:47 PM
That is the complete file. Please read the sticky FAQ threads on the cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates ( board to understand how the 1.4 theme system works.
Title: Re: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x
Post by: loracalyn on February 16, 2006, 09:10:15 PM
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!
Title: Re: "Giallo" Theme for cpg 1.4.x
Post by: Αndré on February 15, 2008, 03:35:09 PM
this post is not related to the question of "rad_poland", but i think it's related to the topic..

i have downloaded

Code (style.css - line 244) Select
        background-image: url(images/tableh1_bg.gif);

i can't find the image "tableh1_bg.gif" in the .zip-file

is the file missing or the line just a leftover from an older version of this theme?
i think someone should correct this and upload a fixed version of this theme
