I have been using the following two mods without any issues for a while:
Has this functionality been added to 1.4? If so does anyone have some screenshots, I could not locate it in the FAQs or documentation.
Brian D
How about those screen shots I asked for. I may be looking at he wrong place, but I did not see anything in the demo that dipicted it or in the FAQ, or in the documentation. I may have overlooked it. If I did, sorry. If I did overlook it can you point out where it is.
Thanks a bunch!
Here's a screenshot for the "Select album" dropdown when uploading pics. Sry for the strange names, it's from my test gallery.. "111" is a category.
Thanks ecto.
Anyone have one for reordering images?
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but here's a screenshot of picmgr.php where you can sort files the way you like.
Thanks! That is what I am looking for.
:) Glad I could be of help.