I've just finish upgrading the subsilver theme, compatible with CPG 1.4.x. Valid XHTML 1.0 Trans and CSS 1 and 2
Added: icon_mini_house.gif for {CUSTOM_LINK} (if leads to main site)
Updated to look a bit more like the phpbb subsilver theme.
New zip file!
EDIT: Minor bug fixed, new zip file
Bug fix:
HOME link added
custom link icon added (icon_mini_custom.gif)
Good work
Demo (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/index.php?theme=subsilver) - Download (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/coppermine/cpg1.4.x_theme_subsilver_1.3.3.zip?download)
is it just me or do some headers text not show up in the gold colour, but a red? Doesn't look quite right to me. What does look right though looks great 8)
another minor issue: the home link (the one you can configure in coppermine's config) isn't displayed.
I'll see to that ASAP!
Quote from: timjbart on January 11, 2006, 07:51:46 PM
is it just me or do some headers text not show up in the gold colour, but a red? Doesn't look quite right to me. What does look right though looks great 8)
It is just you, i've double check with phpbb subsilver theme and it is the same thing. But, indeed there was a litte error in the CSS file.
In any case an update for the CPG subsilver theme was on it's way, the new one will look like phpbb subsilver a bit more.
Quote from: GauGau on January 11, 2006, 09:17:21 PM
another minor issue: the home link (the one you can configure in coppermine's config) isn't displayed.
It's working for me, however the icon is not right. Wich I will fix of course! :D
Bug fixed, colors fixed, custom link works fine (including the correct icon).
New zip file available in the first post. Tested as admin, user and guest.
If you find new bug, please contact me.
Known Issues:
Utility page (util.php) not quite fonctional, centered text instead of left. Bottom link (phpinfo and lower) are not in the right color, something is overiting the CSS file.
Thanks for the fix. I updated the demo with the files from your new package, however the custom link "Home" is still missing for me, see attached screenshot.
Ahhhh! I understand now ;D
You see for both subsilver and digital_red the default theme was overitten. This is how the default menu is set for sys_menu:
// HTML template for sys_menu
$template_sys_menu = <<<EOT
If you use this, you will get the HOME link, otherwise you will need to include it. That was my mistake! (I saw it by reading the source code)
A fix comming up for both template, and sorry! :-[
Quote from: Bacchus on January 13, 2006, 03:28:54 AM
Known Issues:
Utility page (util.php) not quite fonctional, centered text instead of left. Bottom link (phpinfo and lower) are not in the right color, something is overiting the CSS file.
FIXED!!!This time I got it all right, now for those of you who dont want to bang your head on all walls like I did. If your using Mozilla Firefox to test your template, time to time,
empty the cache!! It will save you a lot of money in wall repaires! :D
The zip archive is updated once again, and this time I hope it will be until CPG 1.5.x
great work, now everything works as expected - thanks for looking into this. I updated the demo and my above posting that leads to the download link.