I maintain sites for 2 musicians, Mark and Phil. Each has their own domain (though they are on the same server) and their own CPG database/installation. But, is there a way I can include one album (photos of Mark and Phil performing together) in both galleries without retyping information or keeping two sets of images?
It's a large album--several hundred photos--otherwise I wouldn't bother!
Short answer: no
Long answer: it is only possible if the server is yours to administer (create a symlink then) - needs good skills and insight how coppermine works.
My host will create the symlinks if I give them the details. Are there adjustments that need to be done in Coppermine or the database itself?
the solution suggested (symlinks) will not link the databases together, but only save some hard disk space on your server. The symlink has to point from within the albums folder of domain A to the albums folder (or a sub-folder that holds the shared pics) of domain B. For a closer integration, you'd have to apply some code changes (good skills needed).
Thanks for the responses. Just not having two sets of photos will be a big help.
-- Steph