Support => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 miscellaneous => Topic started by: Juanito on March 09, 2006, 08:58:25 PM

Title: Auto Number of processed images per click
Post by: Juanito on March 09, 2006, 08:58:25 PM
I've looked and searched everywhere for this feature for version 1.4,

i waited months hoping someone would create it. i never thought of putting a request here tho. But anyways, I was looking for something that would accomplish the same job that the above hack does. the only problem with the above hack is that it was made for 1.3, and i've upgraded to 1.4.

i'm basically asking for something that will auto-click the "process more pictures" button so i don't have to sit at my PC to keep clicking whenever I'm updating pictures. i have thousands of pictures in my gallery and i dont have the time to continuously click on the submit button.

thank you.
Title: Re: Auto Number of processed images per click
Post by: Joachim Müller on March 09, 2006, 10:40:58 PM
as coppermine admin you should use FTP upload plus batch-add. Not a valid feature request, but a support question - you expect help now, not in a year or so. Moving accordingly.
Title: Re: Auto Number of processed images per click
Post by: Juanito on March 09, 2006, 10:47:05 PM
I'm attempting to update thumbs and resized photos on old pictures. Uploading new pics isn't a problem.