After I upgraded to 1.2.1 and try to batch upload, coppermine can't read all my pictures. When I press the missing picture to see what is wrong I get a empty page. If I refresh a couple of times I get more and more pictures uploaded. But eventhough the pictures is put in the database some can't be read later on, which gives missing pictures in my gallery.
I though it was beacuse I upgraded but I have tried to install my old version again, but it's the same!
Does anyone have a clue what is going on here?
Thank you for now
Server OS?
GD/ImageMagick? (version?)
FreeBSD dkcphfbas03.freepaq.dk 4.7-RELEASE-p7 FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p7 #0: Mon i386
I'm using GD2.
ImageMagick is apparently installed, but I don't know the path, so that is why I have used GD2.
I just know remember that I before the upgrade used GD1. It is all new that Imagemick and GD2 are installed
I have the same problem as birkebjerg and am also using GD2 on Apache/1.3.29 (Unix) PHP/4.3.4 mod_gzip/ on FreeBSD.
Uploading with the browser aborts prematurely with error message:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 6400 bytes) in /[...]/coppermine_dir/include/picmgmt.inc.php on line 176
Batch adding pictures previously uploaded via FTP results in the same error.
Album directory CHMOD is 770.
Thanks for any suggestions!
You are uploading very large pictures, and GD is exceeding the PHP default memory allotment of 8 MB for a single process. You must increase the memory allotment in php.ini.
hyperion: thanks a lot! Now I have to check if my hoster agrees to change this.
What's a recommendable setting for the script time-out in php.ini as far as using coppermine with GD2 is concerned?
wrong question! Instead, you should ask: "what's the recommended max. size for a pic to be uploaded?"...
Answer: 200 kB should be more than you'll ever need - it's the internet, not Photoshop, you know. Resize the pics on your client before uploading them.
Gaugau is right, but you might need this for special applications, like high quality medical images on broadband (in which case you should use the higher bit versions of Image Magick, not GD2).
The memory allotment really depends on the average size of the photo you want to upload. I would start by upping it 16MB. Your host may not agree to that, though. Try getting him to boost it to 10MB. (Keep in mind he has to restart the server each time he does this, so it could be inconvenient for him and the company. )
The maximum execution time can be set on a per script basis. Please see:
Quote from: "birkebjerg"links:
I'm using GD2.
I just know remember that I before the upgrade used GD1. It is all new that Imagemick and GD2 are installed
You'll have to adjust the change from GD1 to GD2 in your coppermine config as well - if you don't, your pics will look strange (like http://www.birkebjerg.dk/copper/displayimage.php?pos=-469 for example). Log in as admin, admin mode, config and look for "Method for resizing images" and change it to "GD2", hit "save new configuration". This will of course not affect the pics that have been converted using the wrong GD type - use the "resize pics" utility from the admin menu to re-create thumbs and intermediates with your gd2 settings.
While you're at it, remove the trailing slash in coppermine config in the field "Target address for the 'See more pictures' link in e-cards".
Sorry for not replying earlier, I got distracted from your posting by the follow-ups.
I understand your point. I understand that the Internet poses the problem of bandwidth. But that's what I have thumbnails and intermediate size images for! If a visitor really, really likes a photograph and wants to print it, I think it would be nice if he could get a 500K version of the picture with just one more click. I'd rather he be able to do that than my having to e-mail it to him or burn a cd-rom and mail it.
@hyperion: Just to be real sure: is it really the image file size that matters, or is it its resolution? Maybe GD2 decompresses the image in RAM, then all that matters would be the image dimensions, as any image with 1600x1200 will then weigh in at 5,49MB. I need to know this so I can set the right focus between compression and downsizing in photoshop.
I had a similar problem, which I found was pixel size related. I was trying to upload pics I had left at 1600 x 1200, and had optimised them to about 250kb, but they would not upload, I got the same error as you.
So I took the original, reduced pixels to about 1000, but at higher quality, so size was still about 250kb, and they now uploaded fine.
I suggest you experiment with a couple of pics, save them in different size / quality configs, and see what works foryou.
Hi Casper,
sorry, I was editing my reply before noticing your posting. You corroborate what I had anticipated. It seems to be more about dimensions. Thanks!
Hi there...
Can it be that an otherwise excellent gallery cannot handle imagesizes bigger than approximately 1200x900??
can't this be fixed in any way?
Casper is correct. Memory allocation is based on the number of pixels.
GD can handle larger resolution images, but you must have access to php.ini to increase PHP's per process memory allotment.
Alternatively, one can use IM.
QuoteYou'll have to adjust the change from GD1 to GD2 in your coppermine config as well
I all ready did that. The reason to the bad looking pictures was a test where I tried to set config to GD1 to see if it would upload all the pictures but it didn't worked either.
You can log in with ****/**** if you would care to take a look i my config
[size=9][edit GauGau: removed the login data][/size]
it's a not-so-good idea to have the login data of an admin account posted on a publicly available board, that's why I edited your posting and removed the login data.
If you have changed it to gd2, and new pics you upload now work ok, then you will need to use the resize facility to re-do the existing bad pics.