Hi, sorry for my english. I have the 1.4.3 version and I would like to know how can I order the photos, by group. I just can do it by title, name or date. The template is "rainy day".
Thanks in advance.
then why do you post on the board "coppermine-gallery.net | Support | cpg1.3.x Support | cpg1.3 (BBS) Integration / Bridging". Moving your thread accordingly. Your issue is not related to cpg1.3.x nor to bridging. What group are the pics suppossed to be ordered by? There are only user groups within coppermine, and you can't sort by pics by user group.
Thanks for your kindly answer Gaugau... sorry for writting the post in the wrong place...
I enclose the picture, yo can see, "Grupo", that means "Group" in the description image... is it possible to order by group??? you see in the second image that I can order by "titulo" (title), "nombre" (name) or "fecha" (date), I would like that here appears "Grupo" (group)
Thanks a lot!!!
sorry, you can't sort by custom fields
See http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=28084.0 and http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=28665.0
thanks a lot my friend!!!! I got it!!! :)