For some odd reason I thought that when I batch add files, the script makes copies of pictures to some other directory while also creating thumbnails. Therefore, when preparing to add new piucs to new album, I deleted (FTP) the "upload" directory, which I used to uploiad files and then to batch add. As expected, I lost all the pictures for previous gallery it was used. Stupid me. After this stupid move I though that could it somehow be possible to re-create the thumbs in such a case - I can reupload the original pictures to same directory, but then I am still missing the thumbnails and other calculated version of images. Or to avoid re-entering all the titles and descriptions, to CVS-save the texts, and after re-adding images, to load that textual data onto them (as filenames being same, this could work..)
When somebody answers to this, my problem should already being solved since I am now recreating the whole album from beginning. But just for curiosity and if I come up again with similar situation, is there a way to re create thumbs, or to export-import all the textual data attached to pictures?
Rebuilding thumbnails and intermediate pics is an option in admin tools.