Hello.... I have cpg 1.4 and I found the brazilian_portuguese.php in : http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/coppermine/devel/lang/Attic/brazilian_portuguese.php?rev=1.9&view=log
Can I use this version of translation( cpg 1.3.0!!!!) in my site???
Thank you!!!! ;D
No, don't use any file that has been removed from CVS.
But... Do you Know where can I find the Brasilian_portuguese.php for cpg 1.4??? ::) ::) ::) ::)
There isn't one, check the translations thread.
...which is at http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=20355.0 (I was sure you were going to ask "where is this thread" ;))
Ok...So... I think that you gys are a bit angry whith all by begginer questions!!! Welll ... Sorry... I think that what I have to do to fix my problem is to translate .... I will translate to Brasilian_portuguese !!!! Maybe you guys will be less angry with me after that!!!!
Anyway!!! Thank you very much for your time!!!!
I let you guys to know when I finish my translation....
Thank´s... ;)