I would need instalation of Tentacle template to my CP gallery and probably instalations of few plugin or mods ,not quite sure which one is safe for use or can be used with my cpg version (newest 1.4.4 ) and tentacle template.
Plugins who interested me are in this page-http://cpg-contrib.org/index.php?cat=2 (http://cpg-contrib.org/index.php?cat=2)-CPGanis ,CPGMark,CPG mini cms and master template.
Also if is posiblle and if he exsist instalation of Croatian language ,and few template modificatation (logo instalation).
Please send me the quote for that kind of job,I know that cost more then 25 $ so dont be shy :),also I need programer expirienced with cpg modification,gallery is very important part of my site(she is 2 years old with many pictures) and I would really hate if something happen to her.
Here is the link to my gallery-http://www.elegancereef.com/gallery/ (http://www.elegancereef.com/gallery/) and my site-http://www.elegancereef.com/ (http://www.elegancereef.com/)
Thank you and sorry for my English language,is not my native language.
croatian hasn't been translated for cpg1.4.x yet.
Thank you GauGau,I was searching forum yesterday and did not find Croatian language pack but in this cpg-http://cpg-contrib.org/ (http://cpg-contrib.org/) I see menu in Croatian language and that is 1.4.4 version?
no, it's the fallback option that is available in cpg1.4.x: it means that language files from cpg1.3.x can be used for site visitors, the new phrases just show in english. However, you can't use the language fallback option for the main language your gallery is meant to be used with, as administration won't work when using the old language file. In other words: if it's fine for you (as admin) to administer your gallery in English (or any other language that comes with cpg1.4.x) and you only want to offer croatian for your visitors, then you can use the croation language file from cpg1.3.x.
I attached the croation language file for cpg1.3.x to this posting, the above mentioned caveats apply. Download it, then rename it from croatian.php.txt to croatian.php and upload it to your lang folder.
Thank you again GauGau,now I understend issue with Croatian Language :),fallback option is quite enough ,I work with English administration anyway.
Now I only need some experienced freelancer who can do tentacle template instalation and few modification (simple logo instalation).I droped idea of instaling CPG plugins,too complicated for me :-\
Anyone interested :-\ ?