I'm searchin for a mod/hack that allows me to remove the displayimage.php.
I mean, i'd like the users click on a thumbnail and go to an external url, not going to the displayimage.php page.
i've put the link on the title yet but it's not all i need. i need something like putting bbcode on a image (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=431 (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=431)) but i don't use it on a forum, only in coppermine.
Is it possible? Thanks in advantage
I'm using coppermine at http://www.superchulazos.com/fotos (http://www.superchulazos.com/fotos) [Edit GauGau] Warning: link not worksafe [/edit]
sending users away by changing the expected behaviour of a thumbnail is not a good idea imo. I understand that porn surfers expect the unexpected, but I don't think that they will tolerate the kind of link behaviour you propose.
There are several methods to redirect (i.e. change the link), depending on what you're up to: should all links point to the same target, or should the target change dynamically?
P.S. You're allowed (and even encouraged) to post a link to your coppermine gallery when seeking support. However, you should post a warning with it (see my edit of your message)
Sorry GauGau, when i posted the message i was totally desperated searching a solution... :'(
I'm trying to do a tgp gallery with the coppermine. When the users click thumb A they go to link A, not going to the original image. When they click thumb B the go to B url, and so.
The link i posted before is incorrect and the page it goes IS AN ADULT PAGE, so people under 18 years must no enter SuperChulazos Coppermine (http://www.superchulazos.com/fotos/index.php).
And i have another problem now. I'm loggining in the coppermine now and the admin menu doesn't display on screen, and i can't enter the config page... i'll read some post about hacked ones.
Thanks again men :)
ok, after looking up the term "tgp" I understand what you're up to. I recommend adding a session counter and adding a conditional redirect based on the number of clicks the visitor has performed during his session. This is all not part of coppermine's code, afaik there are dedicated apps that do exactly what you're up to.
Thanks :) you've given me a clue to keep searching. I'll try to create a new table in the CPG database and call it from the archive. If i finally get it working i'll post it here to help someone needs something similar (i suppose i'm not the only one that has thought this ???)
Thanks again ;D