Hi Folks,
Here's my attempt at a theme for SMF 1.1 RC2. It looks close to the default theme but I didn't replicate the active menu as in SMF. If someone wants to work on that, please have a go at it and post the fix. I validated and tested in Firefox 1.5x and IE 6.0x. There's an information table at the top to enter some info about your forum. I didn't add the login as was done in the version 1.3 as I read it can be confussing sometimes but it's easy enough to add in.
Comments are welcome.
Great theme been waiting for this one for a while, but 1 prob I have is that the text on the titles is vertically aligned on the bottom of the box and I want it in the middle, been changing stylesheet but not working:
Take a look at my main page and look for last additions: http://cdcoverhideout.com/gallery
Thanks for the theme matches my forum now ;D
Demo (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/index.php?theme=smf_1-1_rc2) - Download (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/coppermine/cpg1.4.x_theme_smf_1-1_rc2.zip?download)
In style.css, the .tableh1 padding-bottom is incorrect. Should be "padding-bottom: 10px;"
Changed but still isn't showing in the middle ???
I assume you're talking about the title such as "Latest Covers". If so, it's fine for me now on your site. Maybe refresh your cache and try again.
Its sorted now Gizmo thanks ;D
for the benefit of others you could have posted what you did to sort this...
thanks for this, going to install it and try it out.
Quote from: Gizmo on April 23, 2006, 05:55:36 AM
If someone wants to work on that, please have a go at it and post the fix.
Good afternoon, there is a problem - probably you know the decision
I use Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.9 + Modded by Stramm
After has established skin cpg1.4.x_theme_smf_1-1_rc2 - Problems have begun:
"Template error.
Failed to find block 'my_friends'(#(<!-- BEGIN my_friends -->)(.*?)(<!-- END my_friends -->)#s) in :"
I ask to specify algorithm of the decision of a problem
By the way, considering problems - can it is meaningful create new skin for SMF 1.1 RC3 (cpg1.4.x_theme_smf_1-1_rc3)?
I already told you to search the modpack support board.
not: Support > cpg1.4.x Support > cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates > cpg1.4 theme contributions
but: Support > cpg1.4.x Support > cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates > cpg1.4 modpack by Stramm
here you'll find the thread 'How/What to change to a theme to be 100% operational?'
Please read more careful... the rules you agreed to when signing up and what supporters write in order to help you