I know you will ask me to consult the documentation but it is so big !
My question is in what way is cpg 1.4.5 different from cpg 1.3.2 because as far as I can see both are almost same.
For me this is the difference :
I get cpg 1.3.2 script pre installed from my web provider and not cpg 1.4.
I dont want to first download and then upload to server if the difference between to 2 versions is not much.
Can you briefly mention some extra features which are there only in cpg 1.4.5 .
Thank you,
farmboy 35
There are security flaws in CPG 1.3.2
Update at least to CPG 1.3.5, better to 1.4.5
So you're lazy and not ready to read the docs, yet you expect us not to be lazy and write a lengthy post about the many new features added?
We're not Santa Claus.