Hello everybody,
i am using coppermine for joomla with the joumbla theme,and i try to delete the "last one added + date" from the album presentation.
Looked through the search function of the forum and didn t succeed to find what i need( unless i ve missed it)
Is it possible to be done,and if yes what is the trick pls? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
I need to do that for gain space on the width of the presentation.
thx a lot for help
best regards
has been asked a few days ago in this forum
hi stramm,
thx a lot,i ve tried it and now i know why it didn t worked,it seems that french_lang.php is not used even it s conf as default in the gallery setting.
nvm now it works with the english one,thx for that, is there a trick for reduce the space between the two colomn cause it s very empty now ;)
here is the gallery:
http://beta.wooloomooloo-gallery.com/gal (http://beta.wooloomooloo-gallery.com/gal)
thxx for help
best regards