My gallery runs now for 1 year. Last week i get the info of a user who wants to registrate. He gets an critical error called "There was an error while processing a database query." ??? In the debug mode the error looks like this ->
While executing query "INSERT INTO cpg133_users (user_regdate, user_active, user_actkey, user_name, user_password, user_email, user_location, user_interests, user_website, user_occupation) VALUES (NOW(), 'NO', '925936de8bbf5786ac6fd16a4134e73c', 'User', 'Password', '', '', '', '', '' )" on 0
mySQL error: Unbekanntes Tabellenfeld 'user_location' in field list.
The next problem i found is, when a User is logged in and he wants to klick on "My profile" he gets an mySQL error too ??? "There was an error while processing a database query. " ->
While executing query "SELECT user_name, user_email, user_group, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_regdate) as user_regdate, group_name, user_location, user_interests, user_website, user_occupation, user_group_list, COUNT(pid) as pic_count, ROUND(SUM(total_filesize)/1024) as disk_usage, group_quota FROM cpg133_users AS u INNER JOIN cpg133_usergroups AS g ON user_group = group_id LEFT JOIN cpg133_pictures AS p ON p.owner_id = u.user_id WHERE user_id ='4' GROUP BY user_id " on 0
mySQL error: Unbekanntes Tabellenfeld 'user_location' in field list.
Can i manage/solve this problem by making an entry in the phpMyAdmin site? Or what should i do?
Please help i am absolute confused :'(
I think this is PHP version problem !
and it's better if you Upgrade ( to 1.4.8
Sounds like you did a partial (improper) upgrade already. Post a link to your coppermine-driven gallery.
Sorry GauGau i can´t post the link to all the users, sorry ... Can i sent you the link via PN, please? I am German you too ;D ? Yes, than please check this link ->
Is it without any problems possible to upgrade to 1.4.8? What happens at the end to the registered users the comments to the pix, and to the pix in the albums? Are they "back" at 1.4.8?
What happens to the mysqul database? The table prefix of 1.3.5 is "cpg133_" the new version 1.4.8 has "cpg140_" . Is this error save?
as you said your gallery works fine for 1 year and from last week you've got issue, I think may be your hosting change the setting or upgrade your php , since the query should be somthing like this :
INSERT INTO cpg133_users (user_regdate, user_active, user_actkey, user_name, user_password, user_email, user_profile1, user_profile2, user_profile3, user_profile4, user_profile5, user_profile6) VALUES (NOW(), 'NO', '925936de8bbf5786ac6fd16a4134e73c', 'User', 'Password', '', '', '', '', '' )
I think this is php version issue
- also provide a link to your gallery would be helpfull as GauGau suggested
Update as you edit your post:
run update.php , hope it will help you
Quote from: bmossavari on July 06, 2006, 09:46:07 AM
Update as you edit your post:
run update.php , hope it will help you
Where did i find this update.php - File? Or do you mean the update-file in the new version 1.4.8? Do you know what happens to the dabase, users, comments ?
- please do not cross post , if you already have a thread on german board keep that.
- you should have it on root of gallery if you don't have update.php (as i see you don't) send it with ftp , it's on your cpg135 installation package
- if you don't have that package then , Upgrade your gallery :
1) No PM!
2) Stick to one thread (either the German or the English one). It causes double work for supporters if you keep jumping between the two threads. Decide for one thread, replying to the other one with a request for a closing of that thread.
O.K. thanks, i decide for this english version, no problem.
But there are two questions.
1. What happens to my existing gallery, if i make the update.php ? What´s with the database, the existing users ...
2. Wenn i upgrate and install the new 1.4.8. will the existing database automatically accepted by the new version, the users, comments too?
1.nothing happens, upgrade.php just check your database and write necessary data, your users will be untuched
2. you don't need to install 1.4.8 you need to upgrade your 1.3.5 to 1.4.8 please read the doc (
if you follow upgrade doc you will never miss anything
1) As suggested previously: if you perform the upgrade as suggested in the docs, you will keep all pics, users, comments etc.
2) You're suppossed to perform an upgrade, not a fresh install. Therefor, your question simply does not apply. Please read the upgrade instructions and do exactly as suggested. Do not run install!
Thanks bmossavari one question more.
O.K. i don´t run install.php, i make the update with the 1.4.8. update.php. I have the elektro-theme on my site. If i take the new elektro-theme 1.4.8 can i rebuild a complete new version, because i have big horror to adapt my old elektro-theme?
you didn't read the doc did you?
it has a section about upgrading 1.3.x theme to 1.4.x
I've told you before on the other thread that you're suppossed to respect the "one question per thread" policy that you agreed to respect when signing up. Only take one step at a time.
Answer is: yes, use the theme designed for cpg1.4.x and drop the old theme.
Now do as suggested previously and post a link to your page. If you fail to do so, you will not get any more support - this thread (and the other one) are already a mess... >:(