When you try to register in other language than English, you get "Optional information" in your language, but all the fields (Location, Interests, ...) are still in English. I even downloaded clean cpg1.4.8 version, it's the same.
you can try to switch languages @ http://photo.krampo.info
The optional fields are user settable in config.
But why then they are in language file?
They are probably left over from 1.3. Nothing to worry about.
it is possible to translate die optional fields lfor example location<>Wohnort
i think the settings in the admin menu will be written into the sql database.
thx in advance
greetings loot
Coppermine config > "Custom fields for user profile (leave blank if unused). Use Profile 6 for long entries, such as biographies (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#admin_custom)"
thx for answering gaugau
But my question ist:
is there i possiblility to switch the userprofile like "Location" for mysite.com and mysite.de "Wohnort".
I think the prob is,that the description of that fields arent in language files.
Maybe i have to edit the sql query for that ...but how ?
thx in advance
If you have a multilingual site (i.e. users both from Germany as well as international users speaking English), then you're right: the field labels don't translate, as the names reside in the database. Basically, everything that exists as textual content in the database goes untranslated - that's the case both for custom field names as well as image titles or descriptions. So you have the dilema not only for those field names, but for all content. The only easy workaround I could think of is labelling the fields in both languages (i.e. "Location/Wohnort"). Other solutions are doable but hard to accomplish (as they would require a lot of coding).
jo ..all the other content i managed with :
switch ($CONFIG['lang']) {
case 'english':
echo '<a href="rules.php" align="center" target="_self">[Rules]</a> <a href="imprint.php" target="_self">[Imprint]</a></a> <a href="ppolicy.php" target="_self">[Privacy Policy]</a>';
case 'german':
echo '<a href="rules.php" align="center" target="_self">[Regeln]</a> <a href="impressum.php" target="_self">[Impressum]</a></a> <a href="datenschutz.php" target="_self">[Datenschutzerklärung]</a>';
echo '<a href="rules.php" align="center" target="_self">[Rules]</a> <a href="imprint.php" target="_self">[Imprint]</a></a> <a href="ppolicy.php" target="_self">[Privacy Policy]</a>';
ill try a second register.php
maybe i can find ich workaround
thx for your help