I need paid help here... You'd have to have a scout around as my site's been modified but at present is only capable of carrying out a single keyword search.
I need my visitors to be able to type in for example: red rose and find exactly that... a series of photos of red roses. At present, if that's what they type in... They get hundreds of anything that's red... and loads of roses... Possibly a red rose, but there are too many photos to trawl through!
Like I said, you'd need to take a look first, then get back to me and give me a price.
You can contact me at neil.bradford1@ntlworld.com - You can take a look at my website at: www.Photo-Image-Stock.com
Neil ( neiljb1962 )
I believe your request can be handled by an upgrade to the current Coppermine version and using the default search page, as noted on this thread: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=33745.0
If you have additional requirements after doing so, say so here. However, please read the sticky thread on this board and follow the instructions there. For example, you should give a budget and time requested in your post here.