I don't have a lot of money to work with (yet) but if someone has time, I would like to get this installed. I don't need custom stuff, I just need the basics that allow people to upload their pics and have them indexed. It would be an extra bonus if you can make a skin similar to my forum (but not required). I run a forum and will be getting donations from people, so whatever I get from the forum, you will have. I am donating $10 of my own money, so you will get at least that.
I have a Windows 2000 Server PC loaded with Terminal Server thats ready. If you would rather use another OS, let me know
I'll install it for free, just let me know the information
Cool! I will send you a message when I get the server up!
it's better be up soon ;)
self-hosting is not recommended though.
Thanks for all the help guys!!!!! You guys are the best!