after i updated 1.3x -1.48 gallery
Uploading pics by FTP / Batch-Add Pictures function does not work. it shows nothing in the window.
it suppose shows
but mine was just simple blank. picture shows below. ya, itS other language , but you can see the structure
hope some one can help me ..thanks alot
you have password protected your gallery directory... how are we supposed to see anything (your gallery, the image you posted ???)
Quote from: on July 29, 2006, 10:00:31 AM
ya, itS other language , but you can see the structure
As suggested, we can't see it, as it's password-protected ::). Don't make us figure what error messages in other languages than English mean. Instead, temporarily switch to English (by adding
?lang=english to the url) and then take the screenshot. If you want to show us a pic, attach it to your posting (using "additional options" when composing your message). Read the docs, particularly the upload troubleshooting section (and extra-carefully the section highlighted in read that should tell you what you need to do when having issues with uploading and requesting help on this board). If you're hosted on Windows, switch the "browsable batch-add interface" to "disabled" for a start.