Support => Looking for Freelancers / Paid help => Topic started by: SeaCliff on July 29, 2006, 03:07:38 PM

Title: Need an SMF - CPM mod - Integrate "Random Images" into SMF Info Center.. $50
Post by: SeaCliff on July 29, 2006, 03:07:38 PM
I recently installed CPM 1.4.8 on my site, but I'd like to display the most recent images on my Simple Machines Forum "Info Center" (SMF Version 1.1 RC2). I've seen this done on another site, I can send examples and even sample code and instructions to to accomplish this.  - I'm sure I could do this, but it's a simple matter of time constraints...what I could figure out in a day will likely take an experienced person a fraction of the time. Payment would be via paypal if that's ok...or another method if you prefer.

Title: Re: Need an SMF - CPM mod - Integrate "Random Images" into SMF Info Center.. $50
Post by: SeaCliff on August 02, 2006, 01:41:34 PM
Work is almost complete on this (one minor bug still to be fixed), I'll notify when done so the thread can be properly marked.

For anyone interested in how the mod looks, check here: (

Title: Re: Need an SMF - CPM mod - Integrate "Random Images" into SMF Info Center.. $50
Post by: SeaCliff on August 06, 2006, 01:03:31 PM

;D ;D

Mods: Please mark accordingly.