I need to remove some menu items like 'Last updates', 'Last comments', 'Most viewed', 'Best score', 'My favourites' in usermode.
I like it very clean, and the gallery it is not going to be used active by other than my self.. others can watch but that's it.
I also want o configure the gallery so that users (guests) cannot open the full sized image (but the image is still on the server)
Is all this possible and how can this be done?
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to remove menu item you can use final_extract plugin
To block guest user from seeing full size picture use full-size photo access control plugin
Ok, thanks so much for the help,, i just forgot there is a plugin download package.. i installed the full-sized control plugin and it is working perfectly.
The other menu item editing plugin is not so easy.. (since i have to program it my self) and i agree with those that wish to implement an option in CPG to choose what menu items are going to be availible
Hope this option will be avilible soon ;)
I'll take a look at that ... , soon you can use it with manu option ;)
check this out :
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