Hi there
I've got this events calendar script somewhere on the net, and incorporate it in my website - cpg 1.3.4 ( www.youth-sport-fotos.com).
In the meantime I have done some changes to fit within my theme, and some other changes to make it more user friendly.
The problem now is that it contains an index.php, event.php, event_add.php and event_del.php, but NO event_edit.php.
I think it is a very simple and effective script. But my php knowledge is somewhat limited.
I need someone that is willing to help me to create an "event_edit.php" page, which will edit an event.
At this moment I have to go to the mySQL side to edit an event.
Help will be appreciated.
Thanx in advance guys !
CPG Rocks
Are you going to pay for this custom mod?
Yea, I'll pay. But depends on how much ... ::)
Look, this isn't atall related to Coppermine. If you want someone to code it for you then use the freelancers board.
That's why I asked if he's going to pay. Moving this thread from cpg1.3 Miscellaneous (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?board=25.0) to freelancer board. I suggest reading the sticky there.