Support => cpg1.4 themes/skins/templates => cpg1.4.x Support => Older/other versions => cpg1.4 theme contributions => Topic started by: Gizmo on August 14, 2006, 03:55:03 PM

Title: OrangeSky - Theme for cpg1.4.x and WordPress 1.5
Post by: Gizmo on August 14, 2006, 03:55:03 PM
Hi All,

Here is the OrangeSky theme that I've ported from a WordPress theme designed by Naoko McCracken - ( This theme won an Honorable Mention in the 2005 WordPress theme competition - ( If you're interested in starting (or have a blog) and want to integerate Coppermine to it then check this out.

Now for the technical stuff. In order to handle the width of some of the Configuration items (groups, users, ecards) in the main table, a scroll bar is needed but hidden for all other uses in the theme if the following criteria are met. To prevent the scroll bar from being visible in the gallery, it's best to use 4 columns for thumbnails (Config => Thumbnail view => Number of columns on thumbnail page = 4) and 4 items in the film strip (Config => Image view => Number of items in film strip = 4). The default thumbnail size of 100 pixels is also recommended (Config => Files and thumnails settings => Max dimension of a thumbnail ** = 100). Most generally everyone has these set by the defaults and therefore should have no problem.

Also, this theme is really geared towards intermediate photos sizes of less than 460 pixels and since the default in Coppermine is 400, it works great but if you try to go above 460 or so, you will get the scroll bar as when viewing the Coppermine demo. This setting is in Config => Files and thumbnails settings => Max width or height of an intermediate picture/video ** = 400 (default). The popup size can be any size though.

Please enjoy the theme and make all the changes you need to suit your gallery.


Billy  :D
Title: Re: OrangeSky - Theme for cpg1.4.x and WordPress 1.5
Post by: Joachim Müller on August 19, 2006, 05:42:53 AM
Outstanding theme, that's one I'd build my site on if I was going to start a new one.
Demo ( - Download (

I removed the extra {CUSTOM_FOOTER} token from the package (the original contained two of them).
Title: Re: OrangeSky - Theme for cpg1.4.x and WordPress 1.5
Post by: Gizmo on August 19, 2006, 02:26:29 PM
Thanks GauGau! I've been traveling a lot lately  :-\ and working on these themes has helped me kill a lot of wasted time in airports and planes but in return something useful and cool has come of it. I'd like to run Live Demo but Apache is blocked from running on my corporate laptop so until I get IT to release it, I'm stuck working from memory and waiting until an internet connection is available.

Thanks for fixing the custom footer issue. I've since created a custom header and footer on my test site so that I don't screw this up for a third time.  ;)


Title: Re: OrangeSky - Theme for cpg1.4.x and WordPress 1.5
Post by: Gizmo on August 10, 2008, 10:12:40 PM
Hi All,

I've updated and refreshed this beautiful theme with some of the other functions and layouts I've been using on the other ported Wordpress themes I've done. I think this refreshment really makes the layout cleaner looking so I hope you like the results.

I've overwritten some of the configuration settings by using variables in the theme.php file and added a new variable for retrieving the album description. The reason for this is to prevent the standard settings in the Configuration tables set by you from "breaking" the theme. If you wish to change these settings, do so here or delete them altogether and use the Configuration Manager in Coppermine. These changes are:

// These parameters overide what the user inputs in the Configuration setup to prevent the theme from breaking.
$CONFIG['max_film_strip_items'] = 5; //overrides the number of thumbnails.
$CONFIG['thumbcols'] = 4; //overrides the number of columns for thumbnails.
$CONFIG['main_table_width'] = '100%'; //overrides the Width of the main table (pixels or %).
$CONFIG['picture_table_width'] = '100%'; //overrides the Width of the table for file display (pixels or %).
$CONFIG['album_list_cols'] = 2; // sets "Number of columns for the album list = 3"
$CONFIG['first_level'] = 0; //sets "Show first level album thumbnails in categories = no".
$album_desc = get_album_desc($_GET[album]);

This theme has the first level of album thumbnails turned off to make large galleries look move attractive. This will prevent the main page from being cluttered with thumbnails and easier to chose a particular category. There is also a new function for truncating the album descriptions when viewing on the index or category pages. When you view a single album, the full description is printed out at the top of the album. This makes the index and category pages much cleaner looking. I've also adapted it to truncate long image captions when viewing on a thumbnail page but prints the full caption when viewing the intermediate image.

To edit the number of characters in the truncated album description, find in 2 places in the theme.php file - '{ALB_DESC}' => myTruncate($album['album_desc'], 30, " "), and change the number (30) to any length your desire. You can also change the padding characters (...) to any other set of characters by editing function myTruncate($string, $limit, $break=".", $pad="...") in the theme.php file.

To edit the number of characters in the truncated image caption, find in 2 places in the theme.php file - '{CAPTION}' => myTruncate($caption, 120, " "), // changing the number changes the # of characters printed for the thumbnail caption. and change the number (120) to an length you desire. This number doesn't seem to be match the string length but it is consistant so change it and view the results.

I've also adapted the compute_img_size($width, $height, $max) function to manage the size of the intermediate image. As in some cases (example would be the Coppermine demo page), some galleries have intermediate images of different sizes. This function was changed and added to the theme.php to make view all intermediate images at 400px wide. This function is now compute_img_size_max($width, $height) and you can change the view size by editing $max = 400;. If you have intermediate images smaller than 400px wide then this function will increase the image size when viewing which could result in a distorted image. Since the default size in Coppermine is "400", this should not be a problem unless you've decreased it. This setting in the theme.php file does not affect the setting in your Coppermine configuration but only resizes the images in the browser.

I've tested this theme without issue on FireFox 3.0.1 (Mac & PC), Safari 3.1.2 and IE 7.0.5.X (PC). Sorry I do not have IE 6.X on my PC and will not test this browser version. As always let me know here if you encounter any problems.

Please enjoy the theme and make all the changes you need to suit your gallery.


Title: Re: OrangeSky - Theme for cpg1.4.x and WordPress 1.5
Post by: Joachim Müller on August 11, 2008, 07:54:35 AM
Thanks for the contribution. Download counter for the previous version used to be 11165 when I overwrote the file with the newer version (which makes the download counter start from scratch).
I have updated my above posting as usual to reflect the new filename and download link, and of course I have upgraded the demo as well.

