Hi All.
I require the watermarking Mod installed to my Gallery which is bridged to Geeklog.
Dont require the whole modpack installed, just the watermarking feature.
http://fordcortina.com.au (http://fordcortina.com.au)
Unsure what this is worth , so i have left it open.
Would like to see some site references that the programmers have personally completed.
Sorry if that offends, just like to be sure of the skills available.
Payment via Paypal.
Actual link to your gallery is http://fordcortina.com.au/gallery/ - please don't make us figure out your site's navigation when asking for support.
Please read the sticky thread on this sub-board for hints on what you should do when asking for help on the freelancer board.
The watermarking mod that is integrated into Stramm's mod exists as a standalone mod as well, surprisingly on the sub-board named Mods: Watermarking & image manipulation (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?board=33.0) - here's the link: Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=29817.0). I recommend applying it yourself, as it's mandatory to understand what you're doing when applying watermarks - this is best done by applying the mod.
If you're still looking for someone to apply it for you, I suggest not being too picky: applying a pre-made mod doesn't require much skills, so asking for references of a possible taker of the job will only make the job more expensive: experienced coders usually ask for higher wages than intermediate-skilled coppermine users (although skilled users should be capable to apply a pre-made mod, as suggested above).
Ok, GauGau.
Thank you for the advice.
yes, correct it is best i understand the operation of my own site.
I usually try most things myself first, I thought this mod was a lil harder when i was reading through the forums.
So should I mark this thread as "closed" or is the job offer still vacant?
Yes thank you.
please close the thread.
I havent got it to work yet, but i will plod along until its correct.
Thanks again.