Hi guys,
i've built in CPG 1.4.9 in my existing website layout. It works all fine apart from a little mistake:
When you click on "most viewed pictures" you see the picture, underneath it the description and "XXX times viewed". But now i have the problem that the description and the "XXX times viewed" are running together. Theres no space or better a new line. And i cant find the file to change. Does anybody knows, where i can change it?
To see, what i mean click here: http://www.lacostablanca.de/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=topn&cat=0 (http://www.lacostablanca.de/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=topn&cat=0)
Thanks for helping me.
Greets Stefan
You have removed all of Coppermine's css, so such issues are to be expected. Put back the thumb_title class and it will be displayed correctly.
.thumb_title {
font-weight : bold;
font-size: 80%;
padding: 2px;
display : block;
Thanks a lot. Now it works perfectly :-*