Hi Everybody, I have Coppermine 1.4.3 (stable) on my website (http://portal.pazardjik.com/cpg/index.php). I wan to add vertical banner under the sub menu ot the left of my gallery. Something like THAT (http://portal.pazardjik.com/images/gal1.jpg).
The banner is a part of an affiliate program and has this code:
<center><script type='text/javascript' src='http://banner.yoosms.com/?affid=163&b[y2]=100&b[y4]=100&b[y9]=100&b[g16]=100&b[g30]=100&b[28]=100&b[23]=100&b[67]=100&b[18]=100&b[33]=100&b[35]=100&b[66]=100&b[10]=100&b[52]=100'> </script></center>
Where do I put this code in order ot appear at the exact location marked in the picture above ?
Has been asked before , please search before post an issue
put it to /themes/your theme/template.htmlunder {SUB_MENU}
Quote from: eXess on September 15, 2006, 05:12:21 PM
I have Coppermine 1.4.3 (stable)
Outdated! Upgrade (http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#14) asap!
Quote from: bmossavari on September 15, 2006, 06:08:40 PM
Has been asked before , please search before post an issue
put it to /themes/your theme/template.htmlunder {SUB_MENU}
Thank You, I've searched a lot, but I did'n find anything anout vertical banner ::)
issue solved then?
It will be solved, if you tell me where exactly to put this code, because I'm not very good @php ??? Exactly after which line :o
edit themes/fruity/template.html (In your case)find this line
and add your banner after that something like
{SYS_MENU}<br />{SUB_MENU}<br /><img src="images/blabla.jpg" alt="banner" />
be carefull about banner path (template.html will load under gallery root path so you need addressed the banner from gallery root),in my code the blabla.jpg is under {gallery root}/images folder
Quote from: eXess on September 19, 2006, 12:34:34 AM
because I'm not very good @php
PHP is not related: this is all plain HTML. The banner should go wherever you want it to appear.
Can I also insert Java Script in this place? :o
You can consider this problem solved. ;D Everything is just the way I want it. Take a look:
http://portal.pazardjik.com/cpg/ (http://portal.pazardjik.com)
I made a little mistake with the address sorry ;D
That's a PHP-Fusion driven page in Russian that doesn't mean much to supporters here.